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Autor/inn/enVeerman, J. W.; de Kemp, R. A. T.; Brink, L. T. ten
InstitutionNetherlands Inst. of Care and Welfare, Utrecht.
TitelEvaluation Study of Families First: The Netherlands. An Overview of the Results.
Quelle(1997), (30 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdolescents; Child Welfare; Children; Demonstration Programs; Family Programs; Foreign Countries; Intervention; Longitudinal Studies; Program Effectiveness; Program Evaluation; Program Implementation; Therapy; Netherlands
AbstractFamilies First is a family preservation program aimed at providing therapeutic and practical help for families in the Netherlands faced with imminent placement of one or more of the children in out-of-home care. In 1994, the demonstration projects took place in four locations in the Netherlands. Participating were 320 children from 234 families who had been referred by child welfare placement agencies. All had received treatment for more than a week. Assessment of demographic information, treatment activities, family functioning, family burden, stressful life events, psychological situation, behavioral problems, and satisfaction took place pretreatment, at treatment completion, and at 4, 7, and 13 months post-treatment. Results of the assessment indicated that Families First succeeded to a considerable extent in reaching the target group. Ninety percent of children accepted for treatment ran the risk of being placed in out-of-home care. Team leaders and family workers adopted the following important characteristics in their work: (1) long, intensive treatment; (2) 24-hour accessibility to the family; and (3) reformulation of the goals and work points in cooperation with the family. Parents and family workers were satisfied with treatment implementation. At one year post-treatment, 76 percent of Family First children lived at home. Of a comparable drop-out group, 26 percent lived at home. However, family problems in this population were still obvious compared to families and children not referred for care. (Contains 23 references.) (KB)
AnmerkungenNIZW Publishing Department, P.O. Box 19152, 3501 DD Utrecht, The Netherlands (Tel: 31-30-230-66-07; Fax: 31-30-230-64-91; e-mail: (NIZW order number E48771).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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