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Sonst. PersonenGraham, George M. (Hrsg.); Jones, Margaret A. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionInternational Association of Physical Education Schools in Higher Education, Liege (Belgium).; National Association for Physical Education in Higher Education.
TitelCollaboration between Researchers and Practitioners in Physical Education: An International Dialogue. Proceedings from the AIESEP-NAPEHE World Congress (Atlanta, Georgia, 1991).
Quelle(1992), (169 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Athletics; Case Studies; College School Cooperation; Dance Education; Educational Research; Elementary Secondary Education; Faculty Development; Higher Education; Inservice Teacher Education; International Educational Exchange; Partnerships in Education; Physical Education; Preservice Teacher Education; Program Development; Teacher Researchers; Theory Practice Relationship
AbstractPapers included are: (1) "The Mountain Yet To Be Climbed" (D. Siedentop); (2) "Collaboration between Researchers and Practitioners: Myth, Mirth, or Melody" (L. Lambert); (3) "The Recognition and Reward Structure in Higher Education in the United States--A Major Inhibitor to Collaboration bewteen Researcher and Practitioner" (J. Razor and J. Willis); (4) "Collaboration between Researchers and Practitioners: A Case for Self-Collaboration" (D. Hellison); (5) "Teaching and Learning Together: A Joint Effort by a Physical Education Specialist and a University Professor To Develop a Model Physical Education Program" (T. Ratliffe and L. Ratliffe); (6) "From Cooperation to Collaboration: A Case Study" (B. W. Pissanos and Others); (7) "From the Beginning: The Multiple Realities of Collaborative Projects Involving Physical Educators from Schools and Colleges" (D. Coffin); (8) "Cultural Considerations for Collaboration" (L. Fiorentino); (9) "The Bohemia Project: Tapping the Collaborative Potential" (K. Graber and Others); (10) "The Coexistence of Research and Program Development in Collaborative Settings" (W. Anderson and Others); (11) "Collaborative Efforts between the Ohio State University and Columbus Public Schools To Assist Teachers" (S. Stroot); (12) "A Collaborative Approach to Practica Based Teacher Preparation: The Nebraska-Lincoln Model" (T. Sharpe and Others); (13) "The Niagara Falls Physical Education Project: A Retrospective on a Program Assistance and Staff Development Model" (G. Barrette and Others); (14) "Project Scope: An Urban Partnership Venture--Descriptions and Predictions" (L. Catelli and W. Nix); (15) "Inviting Collaboration in Teacher Education" (R. Bell); (16) "Building a Bridge through Teamwork--A Korean Case" (S. Kang); (17) "Collaborative Research and Professional Development in Physical Education: Preliminary Findings into a Teacher Development Program in New Zealand" (D. G. Salter); (18) "Teaching Physical Education Teachers in the Federal Republic of Germany: A Collaborative Enterprise" (R. Naul); (19) "Folk Dance Practitioners and Dance Ethnologists: A Happy Marriage or Uneasy Affair" (M. Padfield); (20) "Toward a Real Partnership between Practitioners and Researchers in Physical Education" (P. Desrosiers); (21) "Measuring Partnership Outcomes in Teaching Physical Education: A Behavioral Approach" (H. van der Mars and P. Darst); (22) "Ideological, Behavioral and Structural Facilitators for Collaboration among Researchers and Practitioners" (H. Lawson); and (23) "The Many Faces of Sport as a Challenge for Sport Pedagogy and Physical Education" (W. Brettschneider). (IAH)
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