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Autor/inHolmes, Tony
TitelEarly Childhood Teacher Education in Australia.
Quelle(1992), (31 Seiten)
PDF als Volltext kostenfreie Datei Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterColleges; Day Care; Early Childhood Education; Educational Policy; Foreign Countries; Government School Relationship; Higher Education; Preservice Teacher Education; Public Policy; Teacher Education Programs; Universities; Australia; New Zealand
AbstractThis report attempts to inform those working in early childhood teacher education (ECTE) in New Zealand of some recent developments in the field in Australia. The Australian government recently required all colleges of advanced education (CAEs), which are part of the ECTE system, to amalgamate with existing universities or reform themselves as new universities. The 4-year Bachelor of Education degree is becoming the norm for teacher education. These amalgamations of CAEs and universities have resulted in a takeover of ECTE by universities, with many programs reorganized in line with university structures, and this takeover threatens the philosophy, curricula, and pedagogy of early childhood education, and has lead to lower standards, funding cuts, increased workloads, and more centralized control of ECTE in Australia. These developments have serious implications for ECTE in New Zealand, each one of which is briefly specified and described. Appendixes include: (1) a glossary of terms and nomenclature related to early childhood education services in Australia; (2) a list of interviewees and information providers; (3) a set of guidelines for questioning staff from ECTE programs; (4) examples of early childhood and childcare courses in Victoria; (5) a history of early childhood courses at selected institutions; (6) a list of ECTE courses at Australian institutes and universities; and (7) practicum and assessment requirements at selected institutions. (MDM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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