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Autor/inn/enWandberg, Robert; und weitere
InstitutionMinnesota State Dept. of Education, St. Paul.
TitelModel Learner Outcomes for Health Education. A Mission toward Healthy People.
Quelle(1990), (157 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Curriculum Design; Educational Objectives; Elementary Secondary Education; Health Education; Health Promotion; Instructional Development; State Curriculum Guides; Minnesota
AbstractThis document provides a structure within which teaching staff can improve students' learning experiences and predict specific learner outcomes in health education. The material is presented in four chapters followed by an appendix. Chapters 1-3 examine the system's values, learner values, philosophy of education, mission for public education and learner goals; children's health today; the role of health education; and the challenge of health education in today's world. Chapter 4, "Health Education: Transposing the Health Education Model Learner Outcomes into Curriculum," discusses 10 elements of curriculum design, as well as program and learner outcomes. The subjects covered include tobacco, alcohol and drug use; prevention and control of injuries, adolescent suicide, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases; health-related physical fitness; reduction of the incidence of abuse, violence, teen-age pregnancy, the risk of cardiovascular diseases, cancer and other noninfectious diseases, and environmental health hazards; improvement of mental, emotional, and social health, personal health care, dietary practices, and life cycle adaptations, infant and parental health, stress management skills; and enhancement of personal growth and positive parenting skills. Appendixes provide Minnesota health statistics; statistics from the Minnesota Adolescent Health Dababase; and Minnesota State Board of Education Rule 3500.l075, Subp.4. (LL)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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