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Autor/inn/enBrown, Lyn S.; Ryan, G. Jeremiah
TitelThe Relationship of Time to Effectiveness in Research Skills Instruction for Students at Philadelphia College of Bible.
Quelle(1995), (164 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHochschulschrift; Praktikumsbericht; Academic Libraries; Critical Thinking; Higher Education; Information Literacy; Information Needs; Instructional Effectiveness; Library Instruction; Performance; Pretests Posttests; Problem Solving; Research Methodology; Research Papers (Students); Research Skills; Student Research; Time Factors (Learning); User Needs (Information); Writing Assignments; Writing Skills
AbstractOne of the many requirements for students majoring in Bible in the undergraduate program at Philadelphia College of Bible (Pennsylvania) is writing papers. The papers are designed to develop research skills, sharpen writing skills, encourage critical thinking, and promote problem-solving skills. However, students are not adequately prepared to write their papers. The first year English Composition course attempts to develop research skills but spends only limited time on research strategy. The director of the Learning Resource Center is given one hour to present a session on research strategies and give a brief library tour. This study compares the results of teaching three hours of research skills with the results of teaching one hour of research skills. Four sections of first year English Composition students were given a pre-test to gauge their research skills. Two sections received one hour of library instruction, and two sections received three hours of library instruction. A post-test was administered to all students. No significant difference was found in the post-test results between students who received one hour of library instruction and students who received three hours of instruction. Possible reasons for the findings are discussed. Appendices include the pre- and post-test, one and three hour curriculums, one and three hour worksheets, and test scores. (Contains 17 references.) (Author/SWC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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