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Autor/inSnow-Renner, Ravay
InstitutionMid-Continent Research for Education and Learning, Aurora, CO.
TitelAssessing District Support for Leadership Development: Asking the Right Questions.
Quelle(2000), (55 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Achievement; Academic Standards; Administrator Qualifications; Administrator Role; Educational Improvement; Elementary Secondary Education; Governance; Leadership Qualities; Leadership Training; Principals; Public Schools; School Administration
AbstractThis document provides guiding questions and a process for school district personnel to assess the district's organizational capacity for supporting strong educational leaders in a standards-based system. These questions reflect the most recent research literature about leadership and its optimal organizational supports in high-performing school and district systems, as well as findings from ongoing McREL research, including a recent study of actual leadership supports in three regional school districts. Leadership is defined in terms of its support role for building communities of learners in schools and districts--communities that are organized around improving the learning of all students to high standards. In this document, these leaders are called "leaders in support of standards-based teaching and learning." The district self-assessment measure addresses the district's professional development policies and practices related to building the strengths needed by this type of leader. Additionally, this document builds on the organizational scheme set forth in "Asking the Right Questions: A Leader's Guide to Systems Thinking about School-Improvement," issued by McREL. The literature indicates the need for specific reorganization and structural supports for leaders of high-performing schools. It also points out the need to support education reform through strategic allocation of resources. An appendix provides "An Organizing Guide for Considering Possible Actions." (Contains 47 references.) (DFR)
AnmerkungenMid-Continent Research for Education and Learning, 2550 S. Parker Rd., Suite 500, Aurora, CO 80015. Tel: 303-337-0990; Fax: 303-337-3005; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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