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Autor/inOreck, Barry
TitelArtistic Choices: How and Why Teachers Use the Arts in the Classroom.
Quelle(2000), (31 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Art Activities; Art Education; Elementary Education; Elementary School Teachers; Faculty Development; Integrated Activities; Teacher Attitudes; Teacher Characteristics; Teacher Improvement
AbstractThis study examined characteristics of elementary teachers who used the arts regularly in class, including their attitudes toward art and children, perceptions and definitions of the artistic parts of their lives and teaching, their reconciliation of time spent in arts activities with external pressures for test preparation and standardized curriculum and pedagogy, and their perceptions of staff development in helping implement artistic methods. Teachers involved in four arts-based staff development programs completed surveys on their attitudes toward arts in the curriculum and frequency of use of arts for various purposes in the classroom. Results identified 11 teachers in the highest use group. Further analysis revealed patterns of use that separated them by active facilitation of arts activities and exposure-type activities. Six teachers representing each group completed interviews. Four teachers interviewed participated in more than one week-long summer arts institute and up to four full-day workshops during the school year, collaborating on arts-integrated curriculum projects with visiting artists. Teachers shared many personality characteristics that helped them create artistic classroom climates, though types and frequency of arts experiences they facilitated varied greatly. They were unique in their attitudes supporting the arts and specific skills as facilitators of artistic processes. (Contains 68 references.) (SM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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