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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Sonst. PersonenThorson, Annette (Hrsg.)
InstitutionEisenhower National Clearinghouse for Mathematics and Science Education, Columbus, OH.
TitelAssessment That Informs Practice.
[Report No.: ENC-00-002
Quelle7 (2000) 2, (89 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Academic Standards; Educational Assessment; Educational Resources; Elementary Secondary Education; Evaluation Methods; Internet; Journal Writing; Mathematics Education; Portfolio Assessment; Science Education; Standardized Tests
AbstractAssessment is more than simply ascribing an 'A' or a 'B' to a particular student achievement. In an era of state-mandated proficiencies and alternative assessment strategies, educators need practical ideas they can use to meaningfully assess their students' learning and their own practice. This issue of "ENC Focus" centers on the topic of inquiry and problem solving. Featured articles include: (1) "Facing--and Embracing--the Assessment Challenge" (Carol Damian); (2) "Standardized Test Scores and Alternative Assessments: Different Pieces of the Same Puzzle" (William E. Loadman and Anne Marie Thomas); (3) "Implementing Portfolios and Student-Led Conferences" (Jennifer Williams); (4) "Assessing Student Understanding with Interactive-Collaborative-Electronic Learning Logs" (Paul Hickman); (5) "Using Self Evaluation with Fourth Graders" (Leah Poynter); (6) "Assessing Student Learning--and My Teaching--Through Student Journals" (Bill Heinmiller); (7) "Determining What Is To Be Taught: The Role of Assessment" (Nancy S. Cole); (8) "Statewide Portfolio Assessment in Mathematics: A Teacher's Perspective" (S. Leigh Nataro); (9) "Why You Should Care about TIMSS" (Tracy Crow); (10) "Students Will Rise to the Challenge" (Eugene Watts); (11) "Author Takes on High-Stakes Tests" (Julia Harris); (12) "State Achievement Tests Can Be a Positive Force in Your Classroom" (Mary Ann Stine); (13) "Aligning Assessment with Learning Goals" (Natalie Nielsen); and (14) "Finding Materials to Meaningfully Assess Students" (Terese Herrera and Carol Damian). Educational news, editorials, essays, classroom stories, columns on topics of interest to classroom innovators, and an extensive annotated list of assessment resources are also included. (ASK)
AnmerkungenEisenhower National Clearinghouse, 1929 Kenny Road, Columbus, OH 43210-1079. Tel: 800-621-5787 (Toll Free). For full text:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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