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Autor/inn/enRainer, John; Lewis, Martin
TitelDrama at the Heart of the Secondary School: Projects to Promote Authentic Learning
Quelle(2012), (196 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLearning Strategies; Empathy; Educational Strategies; Citizenship; Drama; Units of Study; Interdisciplinary Approach; Thematic Approach; Secondary School Curriculum; Educational Assessment; Dramatics; Humanities; Language Arts; Literacy; Science Education; English Instruction
Abstract"Drama at the Heart of the Secondary School" provides a rationale for the curricular centrality of drama together with rich and detailed examples of cross-phase thematic projects which are drama-led, but which promote learning across a wide range of curriculum areas, from the humanities and other arts, to English and literacy, science and PSHE. Each unit explores relevant and stimulating themes and topics that will engage the students, promote empathy, pose questions, and produce creative responses. Starting from relatively simple beginnings, the drama is structured in layers of increasing sophistication and complexity. Each layer adds another dimension to the potential learning opportunities available across a wide range of curriculum areas and suitable for learners of varying experience and ability. A wide range of curriculum areas of enquiry are referenced, and each unit offers unique ways of student learning designed to encourage excellent drama skills as well as embracing the "learning to learn", Citizenship and PSHE agendas that are fundamental to good teaching and learning. Features include: (1) Lists of dramatic techniques and keywords; (2) Cross curricular connections and ideas highlighted in the text; (3) Opportunities to address RSA "Opening Minds" competencies and PLT skills; (4) Examples of curriculum models suitable for thematic work; and (5) An outline of the principles of assessment for each unit. The following units are contained in the book: (1) Foundlings; (2) Van Dieman's Land; (3) Persuasion; (4) Child Labour; (5) Phaeton; (6) Eyam- Plague Village; (7) Wordless Books; (8) Lizzie Borden; and (9) Kindertransport. A bibliography is also included. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenRoutledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 7625 Empire Drive, Florence, KY 41042. Tel: 800-634-7064; Fax: 800-248-4724; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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