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Sonst. PersonenHatton-Yeo, Alan (Hrsg.); Ohsako, Toshio (Hrsg.)
InstitutionUnited Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, Hamburg (Germany). Inst. for Education.
TitelIntergenerational Programmes: Public Policy and Research Implications--An International Perspective.
Quelle(2000), (73 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Education; Adult Learning; Comparative Education; Cross Cultural Studies; Developed Nations; Developing Nations; Economic Development; Educational Policy; Educational Research; Employment; Foreign Countries; Guidelines; Health; Health Promotion; Intergenerational Programs; Lifelong Learning; Needs Assessment; Outcomes of Education; Policy Formation; Program Development; Program Effectiveness; Program Implementation; Public Policy; Research Needs; Social Development; Social Problems; Strategic Planning; Trend Analysis; Youth; China; Cuba; Germany; Japan; Netherlands; Palestine; South Africa; Sweden; United Kingdom; United States
AbstractThis document consists of 12 papers that, together, summarize the key issues underpinning future research and policy development related to intergenerational programs (IPs). "Introduction" (Alan Hatton-Yeo) discusses the project out of which the papers developed. "A General Assessment of IP Initiatives in the Countries Involved" (Ann-Kristin Bostrum, Alan Hatton-Yeo, Toshio Oshako, Yukiko Sawano) considers the historical and cultural roots of IPs, the role of IPs as instruments for solving priority social problems in given countries, the status of IPs, the training of IP professionals, and future needs and assessment of IPs. "Public Policy and Research Recommendations: An International Perspective" (Alan Hatton-Yeo, Jumbo Klerq, Toshio Oshako, Sally Newman) presents general recommendations, recommendations concerning four specific impact areas of IPs in public policy (economy and employment, society, lifelong learning, health), and recommendations concerning IP development and implementation strategies. The remaining papers, which focus on the past, present, and future of IPs in specific countries, are as follows: "China" (Sun Maintao); "Cuba" (Raul Hernandez Castellon); "Germany" (Ludger Veelken); "Japan" (Yukiko Sawano); "The Netherlands" (Jumbo Klerq); "Palestine" (Nora Kort); "South Africa" (Cathy Gush); "Sweden" (Ann-Kristin Bostrum); "The United Kingdom" (Alan Hatton-Yeo); and "The United States" (Sally Newman). The bibliography contains 47 references. (MN)
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Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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