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Autor/inMullin, Christopher M.
InstitutionAmerican Association of Community Colleges
TitelJust How Similar? Community Colleges and the For-Profit Sector. AACC Policy Brief 2010-04PBL
Quelle(2010), (16 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCommunity Colleges; Financial Support; Institutional Characteristics; Institutional Research; Private Colleges; Educational Finance; Accountability; Comparative Analysis; Governance; Accreditation (Institutions); Outcomes of Education; Client Characteristics; Fees; Student Financial Aid; Student Loan Programs; Advertising; Proprietary Schools
AbstractWhereas community colleges and for-profit institutions both provide postsecondary educational opportunities, they are different in a host of dimensions. This brief describes some of those differences--not to win a debate or suggest public policy, but to show why comparisons made between the community colleges and for-profit institutions are more limited than some may suggest. This brief presents data for community colleges and, where possible, at each level (4-year, 2-year, less-than-2-year) of for-profit institutions to discuss distinctions that exist in terms of oversight, service, and financing. Some of the differences, but not all, are the following: (1) Oversight; (2) Service; (3) Financing; and (4) Moving Forward. (Contains 5 figures, 5 tables and 8 notes.) (ERIC).
AnmerkungenAmerican Association of Community Colleges. One Dupont Circle NW Suite 410, Washington, DC 20015. Tel: 202-728-0200; Fax: 202-833-2467; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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