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InstitutionCanadian Literacy and Learning Network EXPRESS. December 2010
Quelle(2010), (12 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Literacy; Literacy Education; Conferences (Gatherings); Leadership Training; Student Leadership; Student Participation; Self Esteem; Governance; Standards; Volunteers; Money Management; Access to Information; Foreign Countries; Canada
AbstractThis issue of " EXPRESS" features new and exciting developments, updates and exciting new resources. Articles included in this issue are: (1) Introducing CLLN (Canadian Literacy and Learning Network)!; (2) Supporting Learner Leadership; (3) Involving Learners by Patricia Ashie; (4) Catching Confidence; (5) CALL (Committee of Adult Literacy Learners) Member Recognized; (6) Governance: Standards for the Voluntary Sector; (7) Task Force on Financial Literacy; (8) Good to Know: Resources, Reports and Articles from Around the Globe; (9) In the works: Information about work in progress; (10) Upskilling: Events, Conferences and Workshops from across the Continent; (11) Your Opinion Matters; (12) Membership; and (13) In the Future. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenCanadian Literacy and Learning Network. 342A Elgin Street, Ottawa, ON K2P 1M6. Tel: 613-563-2464; Fax: 613-563-2504; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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