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Autor/inn/enKeane, Kjrsten; Russell, Miriam
TitelUsing Cloud Collaboration for Writing Assignments by Students with Disabilities: A Case Study Using Action Research
QuelleIn: Open Praxis, 6 (2014) 1, S.55-63 (9 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterWriting Assignments; Case Studies; Action Research; Disabilities; Computer Mediated Communication; Assistive Technology; Coaching (Performance); Mentors; Distance Education; Revision (Written Composition); Educational Principles; Educational Practices; Access to Education; Participant Satisfaction; College Students; Collaborative Writing; Ethnography
AbstractThough separated by geographical distance, a student with disabilities, his advisor, and his writing coach consorted in the Cloud using Google applications to achieve a writing goal. Our scenario demonstrates how emerging technologies can bridge transactional distance and "virtually" supplant face-to-face conferencing around a college writing assignment. Individual levels of technical acumen with digital technology evolved to bridge the psychological and communication space between the student and his instructors. As a result, the telecollaborators developed an efficient coaching process adaptable for all students who need assistance in revising college writing assignments at a distance. Action research frames our discussion of the Cloud collaboration and provides a scaffold for student autonomy. The advantages as well and disadvantages of Cloud collaboration are outlined with reference to the National Institute of Standards of Technology definition of Cloud Computing and the Seven Principles of Universal Course Design. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenInternational Council for Open and Distance Education. Lilleakerveien 23, 0283 Oslo, Norway. Tel: +47-22-06-26-30; Fax: +47-22-06-26-31; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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