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Autor/inGarrison, Michael Shane
TitelModels of Academic Governance and Institutional Power in Southern Baptist Related Liberal Arts Colleges and Universities
Quelle(2010), (186 Seiten)
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Ph.D. Dissertation, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHochschulschrift; Dissertation; Higher Education; Governance; Church Related Colleges; Federal Government; Liberal Arts; Educational Administration; Leadership; Models; Power Structure; Teacher Role; College Faculty; Financial Support; Decision Making
AbstractThe purpose of this descriptive-quantitative study was to examine which models of academic governance are utilized by Southern Baptist related liberal arts colleges and universities. Special attention was given to the distribution of institutional power among seventeen campus leadership groups or power holders. Using J. Victor Baldridge's models of academic governance (i.e., bureaucratic, political, and collegial), the study produced data of which models are most utilized on Southern Baptist related colleges and universities across the United States. The research additionally conducted a replica study of Edward Gross and Paul Grambsch's 1974 research on the distribution of institutional power in secular, nonreligious academic institutions. Gross and Grambsch's study produced ordinal data concerning which campus leadership group had the most and the least institutional power. The replica study was performed on Southern Baptist related colleges and universities. The findings of each were then compared identifying key similarities and differences between the two samples. The findings proved that similarities do exist between secular and Southern Baptist related institutions in regards to the three top power holders, the role and power of the faculty, and how academic leaders rank below administrators. Significant differences also exist between secular and Southern Baptist related institutions in the heightened influence of denominational leaders and financial donors and the minimal influence of state and federal government in campus decision making. [The dissertation citations contained here are published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page:] (As Provided).
AnmerkungenProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway, P.O. Box 1346, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. Tel: 800-521-0600; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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