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Autor/inn/enHui, Anna N. N.; Lau, Sing
TitelFormulation of Policy and Strategy in Developing Creativity Education in Four Asian Chinese Societies: A Policy Analysis
QuelleIn: Journal of Creative Behavior, 44 (2010) 4, S.215-235 (21 Seiten)Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterNational Curriculum; Curriculum Development; Creativity; Definitions; Policy Analysis; Educational Change; Foreign Countries; Educational Policy; Innovation; Outcomes of Education; Models; Public Policy; Elementary Secondary Education; Evaluation; Cultural Education; China; Hong Kong; Singapore; Taiwan
AbstractThe present study sought to compare and contrast educational policies on creativity education in four Asian Chinese societies, namely mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan. It establishes five criteria on creativity education policy, including policies regarding legislation on creativity education, definitions of creativity, standard implementation, explicit identification of special populations of creative students, and creativity education in the community. Among the four societies, Taiwan has an official document--the "White Paper on Creative Education" published in 2003--whereas in Hong Kong and Singapore, creativity has been identified as an ability to be nurtured in students of all levels in their national curriculum reform. In mainland China, innovation is regarded as a synonym for creativity. Definitions of creativity have at times not been clearly defined, although multiple levels of creativity development (individual, school, societal, industrial, and cultural) have been discussed in Taiwan. In Hong Kong, creativity has been defined as a generic skill in various key learning areas (e.g., language education, mathematics education, science education, etc.) in the school curriculum. In Singapore, creativity is a learning outcome to be developed in students. None of these societies use standard creativity assessment tests as evidence of creative competence in students. When creativity has entered the central stage in the curriculum reform and creativity education is made available to every student, efforts have been made to identify highly creative students and provide them enrichment opportunities, mainly using performance assessments and performance in creativity competitions in these societies. But mainland China, Hong Kong, and Singapore do not sufficiently emphasize creativity education in the larger community. (Contains 5 tables.) (As Provided).
AnmerkungenCreative Education Foundation. 48 North Pleasant Street Suite 301, Amherst, MA 01002. Tel: 508-960-0000; Fax: 413-658-0046; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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