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Sonst. PersonenMatthews, Carol (Hrsg.)
InstitutionCentre for Curriculum, Transfer and Technology, Victoria (British Columbia).
TitelChanging Horizons: Charting a New Course in 1999.
Quelle3 (1999) 2, (30 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCollege Outcomes Assessment; Community Colleges; Educational Cooperation; Educational Planning; Foreign Countries; Governance; Higher Education; Participative Decision Making; Program Evaluation; Strategic Planning; Canada
AbstractThe articles in this issue of Learning Quarterly, published by the Centre for Curriculum, Transfer and Technology (British Columbia), discuss "Charting a New Course," a strategic plan for the college, institute, and agency system in British Columbia. Introduced in 1996, the plan resulted from a collaborative effort in which institutional presidents, board members, government personnel, representatives from faculty unions, and students all worked together to develop a more learner-centered vision for postsecondary education. The plan emphasized the need to ensure that courses and programs articulate clear and testable learning outcomes. Additionally, providing more space and educational opportunities was a significant goal given the increasing student population, the necessary retooling of much of the workforce, and the variety of backgrounds of potential postsecondary students. These articles discuss the plan's successes and failures in the past three years, from the viewpoints of a faculty member in the Biology Department at Capilano College, three support staff workers at Malaspina University-College, and several other people in the system. In general, it seems that the plan has had some success in providing a meaningful context for change and predicting significant trends in the sector. However, for the best parts of it to be effectively implemented and measured, a number of revisions are needed. (JA)
AnmerkungenLearning Quarterly, Centre for Curriculum, Transfer & Technology, Sixth Floor, 1483 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC, Canada V8W 3K4 ($25 Canadian/year). For full text:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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