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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionMissouri Coordinating Board for Higher Education, Jefferson City.
TitelShow-Me. Higher Education: Results of the Blueprint. Missouri Department of Higher Education. 1997 Annual Report.
Quelle(1998), (47 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Achievement; Access to Education; Accountability; College Students; Educational Objectives; Educational Planning; Governance; Higher Education; Outcomes of Education; Program Evaluation; Self Evaluation (Groups); Strategic Planning; Student Financial Aid; Technical Education; Missouri
AbstractIn 1996, Missouri's Coordinating Board for Higher Education adopted a new strategic plan. This annual report describes the efforts in 1997, of Missouri's higher education community to meet these goals. The report's findings, which are listed by initiative, include the following: (1) institutional mission review and enhancement efforts entered their third phase during 1997, with four institutions receiving funding for their enhancement programs; (2) Missouri Student Assistance Resource Services, which provides postsecondary financial assistance to Missouri families through outreach programs and the administration of state and federal aid programs, assisted nearly 86,000 students with grant, scholarship, and loan awards totaling $288 million annually; (3) telecommunications-based delivery of education, implemented under the guidance of the telecommunications advisory group, included the first dedicated state appropriation ($5 million) for the Missouri Research & Education Network to connect to the Internet and continued work on the development of a statewide automated library system; (4) Missouri's state plan for postsecondary technical education was clarified in response to several emerging issues; and (5) the Funding for Results program led to improved student performance and increased student academic success, retention, and job placement. Appendices provide information on academic affairs, higher education funding, legislation, and statistics, planning and policy development, and Missouri's proprietary school certificate program. (MAB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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