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Autor/inEbaugh, Cameron D.
InstitutionFederal Security Agency, US Office of Education (ED)
TitelEducation in Chile. Bulletin, 1945, No. 10
Quelle(1945), (130 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHigher Education; Elementary Education; Vocational Education; Foreign Countries; Educational History; Secondary Schools; Elementary Schools; Colleges; Politics of Education; Schools of Education; Educational Legislation; Educational Theories; Educational Change; Public Education; Administrative Organization; School Schedules; School Buildings; Institutional Characteristics; Enrollment; Elementary School Teachers; Teaching Methods; Curriculum; Grading; School Community Relationship; School Health Services; Rural Schools; Special Schools; Deafness; Blindness; Adult Education; Popular Culture; Libraries; Literacy Education; Costs; Urban Schools; Teacher Education Programs; Teacher Promotion; Teacher Improvement; Secondary School Teachers; Teacher Salaries; Teacher Retirement; Fringe Benefits; Health Insurance; Teacher Associations; Fees; Scholarships; Teacher Qualifications; Teaching Load; Laboratories; Extracurricular Activities; Student Promotion; Student Evaluation; Private Schools; Student Records; Graduation; Bachelors Degrees; Student Participation; Teacher Student Relationship; Guidance; Supervision; Females; Single Sex Schools; Accreditation (Institutions); Industrial Education; Graphic Arts; Agricultural Education; Technical Education; Business Education; Military Schools; Police; Air Transportation; Enrollment Trends; College Admission; Academic Degrees; Special Needs Students; College Faculty; Tuition; Extension Education; Church Related Colleges; Catholics; Chile

Hochschulbildung; Hochschulsystem; Hochschulwesen; Elementarunterricht; Ausbildung; Berufsbildung; Ausland; History of education; Bildungsgeschichte; Sekundarschule; Elementary school; Grundschule; Volksschule; College; Hochschule; Fachhochschule; Educational policy; Bildungspolitik; Erziehungswissenschaftliche Fakultät; Bildungsrecht; Schulgesetz; Educational theory; Theory of education; Bildungstheorie; Bildungsreform; Öffentliche Erziehung; Schulzeiteinteilung; School building; Schulgebäude; Einschulung; Teacher; Teachers; Lehrer; Lehrerin; Lehrende; Teaching method; Lehrmethode; Unterrichtsmethode; Curricula; Lehrplan; Rahmenplan; Notengebung; Schulnote; Schuleingangsuntersuchung; Rural area; Rural areas; School; Schools; Ländlicher Raum; Schule; Schulen; Special school; Sonderschule; Gehörlosigkeit; Taubstummheit; Blindheit; Adult; Adults; Education; Adult basic education; Adult training; Erwachsenenbildung; Popkultur; Library; Bibliothek; Cost; Kosten; Urban area; Urban areas; Stadtregion; Stadt; Lehrerbesoldung; Lehrervergütung; Sozialabgaben; Krankenversicherung; Lehrerorganisation; Lehrerverband; Lehrervereinigung; Gebühren; Studiengebühren; Scholarship; Stipendium; Lehrqualifikation; Lehrdeputat; Laboratory; Laboratorium; Außerunterrichtliche Aktivität; Support of studies; Studienförderung; Studentische Bewertung; Private school; Privatschule; Schülerakte; Abschluss; Graduierung; 'Bachelor''s degrees'; Bachelor-Studiengang; Schülermitarbeit; Schülermitwirkung; Studentische Mitbestimmung; Teacher student relationships; Lehrer-Schüler-Beziehung; Beratung; Weibliches Geschlecht; Single-sex schools; Single-sex classes; Single sex classes; Getrenntgeschlechtliche Erziehung; Accreditation; Institution; Institutions; Akkreditierung; Staatliche Anerkennung; Institut; Grafik; Grafisches Gestaltung; Agriculture; Landwirtschaftliche Ausbildung; Landwirtschaft; Technikunterricht; Wirtschaftserziehung; Wirtschaftspädagogik; Militärschule; Hochschulzugang; Hochschulzulassung; Zulassung; Degree; Degrees; Academic level graduation; Akademischer Grad; Hochschulabschluss; Sonderpädagogischer Förderbedarf; Fakultät; Unterweisung; Unterricht; Erweitertes Bildungsangebot; Kirchliche Hochschule; Katholik
AbstractChile is a republic 2,630 miles long, extending along the western coast of South America from Peru to the southernmost tip of the continent. In width it averages about 110 miles, with snow-capped, volcano-studded Andes in the East, a low coastal range along the Pacific and a string of valleys and plains in between. It is estimated that 5,000 large-scale owners still control about 90 percent of the agricultural land and that 50,000 small-holders control the remaining 10 percent. Chile's colonial history is one of almost continual warfare against the fierce and indomitable Araucanians who fought to prevent the seizure of their land and the exploitation of their manpower by the Spanish colonists. This bulletin is based on data gathered by the author in Chile in 1944 and supplemented through documentation. Contents of this bulletin include: (1) Chile as a Nation Today; (2) Evolution of Education in Chile; (3) Elementary Education; (4) The Chilean Teacher; (5) Secondary Education; (6) Vocational Education; (7) Higher Education; and (8) Other Institutions of Higher Education. A bibliography is included. Individual sections contain footnotes. [Best copy available has been provided.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenUS Office of Education, Federal Security Agency.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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