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Sonst. PersonenNewton, Marion F. (Hrsg.); Boulton, Pam (Hrsg.)
InstitutionNational Coalition for Campus Children's Centers, Inc., Alexandria, VA.
TitelCampus Child Care News. 1997.
Quelle12 (1997) 1-3, (28 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCampuses; Children; Colleges; Day Care; Day Care Centers; Early Childhood Education; Educational Facilities; Federal Legislation; Higher Education; Laboratory Schools; New York
AbstractThis document consists of the three 1997 issues of a newsletter disseminating information on the National Coalition for Campus Children's Centers (NCCCC) and providing a forum for important news, research, and information concerning campus child care centers. Each issue of the newsletter includes a column by the NCCCC president, provides announcements and notices of conferences, workshops, position openings, and other important organizational information. The February 1997 issue contains the following articles: (1) "Child Care at the Crossroads: A Call for Comprehensive State and Local Planning"; (2) "Advocacy to be Key Thrust of this Year's NCCCC Conference"; and (3) "Gallaudet University Child Development Center Profile." Articles in the June 1997 issue are: (1) "U.S.Senate Introduces Bill to Support Campus Children's Programs"; (2) "Stay 'N Play Child Care Center Profile"; and (3) "Vita Bates Named NCCCC Director of the Year." The November 1997 newsletter contains the following articles: (1) "United States Senate Introduces Campus-based Child Care Bill"; (2) "Campus Child Care the Focus for Senators' Task Force"; (3) "Meet the New Office Management"; (4) "Early Childhood Demonstration Centers"; (5) "Election News"; and (6) "New York State Coalition for Campus Children's Centers." (SD)
AnmerkungenNational Coalition for Campus Children's Centers, Inc., 515 King Street, Suite 410, Alexandria, VA 22314; phone: 800-813-8207, 703-836-3326; fax: 703-836-7256; e-mail:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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