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Autor/inJohansson, Eva
TitelLearning Encounters in Preschool: Interaction between Atmosphere, View of Children and of Learning
QuelleIn: International Journal of Early Childhood, 36 (2004) 2, S.9-26 (18 Seiten)Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterPreschool Education; Foreign Countries; Preschool Teachers; Teaching Methods; Toddlers; Teacher Student Relationship; Learning Processes; Interpersonal Competence; Maturity (Individuals); Sweden
AbstractThis article focuses on pedagogical encounters as an important dimension of learning in early childhood education. The discussion is based on an investigation (Johansson, 2003a) into the quality aspects of learning in Swedish preschool amongst toddlers. In the investigation, three main themes were found, which were significant with respect to the pedagogical encounters in preschool created by the teachers; "atmosphere," "teacher's view of the child" and "view of learning." Each of the main-themes was found to contain three sub-themes, which are brought together in this presentation. The results indicate that an interactive atmosphere characterised by proximity to the child's life-world is often accompanied by a view of the child as a fellow-being and confidence in the child's capacity to learn. When the atmosphere is unstable, the view of the child is characterised by a perspective from above and a view of learning based on maturity and the child's (in)competence. Finally, when the atmosphere is controlling, we can discern a view of the child as irrational together with a view of learning based on conditioning. (Author).
AnmerkungenOMEP: Organisation Mondiale pour l'Education Prescolaire, Goteborg University, Department of Education, Box 300, Goteborg, Sweden SE-40530. Tel: +46 317 732461; Fax: +46 317 732391; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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