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Sonst. PersonenKeengwe, Jared (Hrsg.); Onchwari, Grace (Hrsg.)
TitelHandbook of Research on Assessment Practices and Pedagogical Models for Immigrant Students
Quelle(2019), (454 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Guides; Immigrants; Refugees; Land Settlement; Faculty Development; Classroom Techniques; Academic Achievement; Standardized Tests; Student Evaluation; Teaching Methods; Evidence Based Practice; Evaluation Methods; Teacher Education; English Language Learners; Second Language Learning; English (Second Language); Bilingual Education; Culturally Relevant Education; Preschool Teachers; Constructivism (Learning); Mathematical Concepts; Mathematics Instruction; Cultural Awareness; Teacher Competencies; Minority Group Students; Best Practices; Language Teachers; Second Language Instruction; Community Schools; Chinese; Heritage Education; Immersion Programs; Multilingualism; Language Tests; Oral Language; Transformative Learning; Childrens Literature; Sustainability; Environmental Education; Models; Academic Language; Social Change; Acculturation; Teacher Student Relationship; Foreign Countries; Africa; Syria
AbstractStandardized tests have been selected as a key assessment factor in expanding the academic achievement of the national student population. However, these tests position immigrant students at the risk of academic failure, leading education experts to search for new strategies and teaching models. The "Handbook of Research on Assessment Practices and Pedagogical Models for Immigrant Students" is a critical research publication that focuses on research-based pedagogical practices for teaching immigrant students. Edited by a prominent IGI Global editor, this book examines the latest professional development models and assessment practices of English learners (ELs). Covering essential topics such as second language acquisition (SLA), classroom management, teacher education, refugee resettlement programs, and more, this publication is a valuable resource for academicians, professionals, researchers, administrators, faculty, and classroom teachers as the social and academic needs of English language learners continue to present a challenge for many schools and teachers. This book contains the following chapters: (1) Sustaining the Sociopolitical Spirit of Bilingual Education: Assessment Practices and Evaluative Policies for Students Minoritized by National Background and English-Language Proficiency (Saúl I. Maldonado and Margarita Machado-Casas); (2) Teaching Mathematics to English Learners: The Interplay Between Gestures and Discourse in Explaining Mathematical Concepts (Khanh Nguyen Bui and Ruth Harman); (3) Professional Development for Teachers of English Learners (ELs): How Constructivist Thinking and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy Can Support Best Practice for ELs (Christina T. Kozlowski); (4) Cultural Experiences of Early Childhood Teachers and the Relationship to Self-Reported Multicultural Teaching Competencies (Grace Onchwari); (5) Learning to Teach English Language Learners as "a Side Note": TESOL Pre-Service Teachers' Perspectives of Their Professional Preparation (Guofang Li, Yue Bian, and José Manuel Martínez); (6) Story Cubing Strategies: A Culturally Responsive Practice for Young Dual Language Learners (Michelle L. Amodei and Laura J. Strong); (7) What Teachers Need to Know About English Language Learners' Translanguaging in the Classroom (Laila Aghai); (8) Culturally Relevant Preparedness Using STEAM Integrative Teaching in the Classroom (Heather McKeen); (9) A Comparative Study on the Curriculum in the Community-Based Chinese Heritage Language (CHL) Schools and Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Program (Shizhan Yuan); (10) An Assets-Oriented, Formative Oral Language Assessment for Multilingual Students: The Oral Language Record (Adria F. Klein and Allison Briceño); (11) Facilitating Linguistic and Academic Success for Newcomer English Language Learners: Essential Knowledge for Educators of Refugees (Melinda Trice Cowart); (12) Bridging Cultures: The Schooling Experiences of Syrian Refugee Children Living in the United States -- A Literature Review (Einas Albadawi Tarboush); (13) ILLs for ELLs: Using an Interactive Notebook Strategy to Foster Success for English Language Learners (Yolanda L. Dunston, Justine Daniel, and Susan Stock); (14) Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Practice: A Transformative Pedagogical Model for Equity and Access (Afra Ahmed Hersi); (15) Cultivating Ecological Generosity and Sustainability in Elementary Youth and Student Teachers via Children's Books (Laura B. Liu); (16) Ready Together: Professional Development for Educators Working With Students in Immigration Crisis (Alpha Martínez Suárez and Kristen M. Lindahl); (17) My Friends and Family: Heroes and "Sheroes" (Howard L. Smith and Kalpana Mukunda Iyengar); (18) The Threat of Downward Assimilation Among Young African Immigrants in U.S. Schools (Immaculee Harushimana and Janet Awokoya); (19) The Transborderization of Neoliberalism: In the Trenches of Cultural and Linguistic Equity for Social and Educational Transformation (César A. Rossatto, Beatriz García Soria, and Jesús Aguirre); and (20) Using SIOP Model to Engage Students and Promote Academic Knowledge of English Learners (ELs) (Badera Muhanna). (ERIC).
AnmerkungenIGI Global. 701 East Chocolate Avenue Suite 200, Hershey, PA 17033. Tel: 866-342-6657; Tel: 717-533-8845; Fax: 717-533-8661; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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