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InstitutionGovernor's Business Council, Texas
TitelBuilding An Effective and Aligned P-16 Education System: What Should Higher Education do to Enhance Student Access and Success?
Quelle(2002), (56 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterConferences (Gatherings); Higher Education; Enrollment; Access to Education; College Attendance; Educational Improvement; Achievement Gap; Educational Change; Racial Differences; Population Trends; Educational Objectives; Elementary Secondary Education; Change Strategies; Educational Policy; Articulation (Education); Program Effectiveness; Texas
AbstractOn May 7, 2002, the Governor's Business Council of Texas was honored to host a number of state and national education leaders who came together to discuss higher education's role in creating an effective and aligned P-16 education system. The State of Texas faces a daunting challenge in improving our P-16 system and increasing rates of college participation and success. The State of Texas lags the national average in college enrollment of 18-year-olds by 25%; 20,000 fewer bachelors' degrees are awarded per year than the national average; and, if current trends continue, those with less than a high school education will represent the only educational category to increase in Texas over the next 30 years. The state demographer estimates that between 2000 and 2030, nine out of 10 new Texans will be minorities. The state is experiencing a significant demographic change to the population and a significant disparity between participation and success in higher education between ethnic and racial groups. The state has no choice as a state but to deal with this disparity. If the gap is not closed in participation and success at a rate faster than the demographic changes, then the state will continue to lose ground and will not meet the economic and social challenges of the 21st century. The symposium examined how best to improve student access and success and what, specifically, higher education can do to create an aligned and effective education system that helps each child realize his or her dreams. The state first looked at Texas' P-16 challenge from a demographic perspective. The state compared the projected characteristics of the state's "Class of 2015" with state goals for participation, success, and academic excellence. The state then asked the speakers to discuss what an effective and aligned P-16 system should look like. The state examined national reforms in curriculum and standards alignment, accountability, and teacher training and professional development. The state explored one state's (Florida's) structural solution to the P-16 issue. Experts from the U.S. Department of Education gave the state the federal perspective on P-16 alignment and the state heard from a national research expert who discussed what the state knows, and does not know, about successful efforts to bring together the primary, secondary and postsecondary systems. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenGovernor's Business Council (Texas). 515 Congress Avenue Suite 1780, Austin, TX 78701. Tel: 512-481-0525; Fax: 512-481-0675; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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