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InstitutionTexas Education Agency, Austin.
TitelState of Texas Master Plan for Educational Technology, 2000-2003.
Quelle(2001), (126 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Standards; Agency Cooperation; Computer Uses in Education; Educational Objectives; Educational Planning; Educational Technology; Elementary Secondary Education; Higher Education; Public Agencies; Statewide Planning; Teacher Competencies; Teacher Education; Technology Planning; Texas
AbstractThis document presents the Texas master plan for educational technology developed by the Education Technology Coordinating Council (ETCC). An executive summary lists ETCC goals and recommendations. The first section of this report provides an overview of educational technology in Texas, including: background; the charge, implementation, guiding principles, and mission of the ETCC; expected benefits of and guidelines for successful collaborative efforts; and challenges in collaboration. The second section presents description, definitions, level of impact, lead agency, participating agencies, objectives, limitations, and date of implementation for each of the eight ETCC goals. The third section summarizes implementation strategies for achieving statewide collaboration on educational technology, consisting of 12 recommendations. The fourth section describes initiatives of several agencies involved with planning and implementing educational technology in Texas. The fifth section is a glossary of terms. The sixth section is an annotated bibliography of 31 titles to assist in understanding and applying research-based findings and identifying best practices in the applications of technology to improve learning. Appendices include: the Texas Education Agency (TEA) Rider 74 (i.e., the ETCC charge); proposed revisions to TEA Rider 74; the ETCC mission and charter statement; the ETCC membership roster; and State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) technology application standards. (MES)
AnmerkungenTexas Education Agency, Publications Distribution, P.O. Box 13817, Austin, TX 78711-3817 ($7). For full text:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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