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Autor/inCromwell, Ronald
TitelCreativity Is a Key to the Future and to Education: The Importance of Creative Visioning.
Quelle(1993), (15 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Classroom Environment; Creative Activities; Creative Development; Creative Teaching; Educational Objectives; Elementary Secondary Education; Higher Education; Humanistic Education; Imagination; Learning Experience; School Role
AbstractA study was conducted to better understand creative visioning, the human ability to make connections. Interviews were conducted with 20 Seattle (Washington) residents, each of whom was involved in creativity or creative visioning. The sample defined creative visioning as a process which encourages the pursuit of new possibilities, dimensions, and connections. The inquiry revealed support for an open system that is flexible and relaxed wherein discovery flourishes; a system not bound by rules nor boxed in but that is helpful in developing the self-discipline, skills, and familiarity with history that will enable connections to be made. Extrapolations from the interviews led to recommendations regarding the role schools can play in developing the skills of creative visioning. Teachers and administrators must create an environment that is free of fear, structured but not rigid, tied to history but not chained to one answer, open to new discoveries and connections, respectful of the individual, and touched by the arts, creativity, and imagination. Schools need to move to do all that is possible to promote, nurture, develop, and celebrate creative visioning, risk taking, and the development of courage to see differently, in an atmosphere where new connections can easily occur. (LL)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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