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Autor/inn/enEvans, John E.; Denton, Ann
InstitutionMemphis State Univ., TN. Univ. Libraries.
TitelStaff Development and In-Service Training in Academic Libraries: Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation for the MSU Libraries. Final Report.
Quelle(1991), (87 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Libraries; Attitude Change; College Libraries; Communication Skills; Employee Attitudes; Higher Education; Inservice Education; Interviews; Librarian Attitudes; Library Personnel; Library Services; Needs Assessment; Objectives; Organizational Communication; Postsecondary Education; Program Evaluation; Questionnaires
AbstractThis document constitutes the report of the activities of Memphis State University (MSU) Libraries Ad Hoc In-Service Training Committee, which was established in May 1991 to plan an entire day of training sessions for all staff in an effort to improve the quality of service given to the users of the library system. The report begins with a brief history of the library and discussions of ways to accomplish two inservice goals: improving in-library communication and staff telephone skills, and improving work place attitudes through improvement of staff relations with library users, other staff members, and departments, and the establishment of public service goals. Planning the program for a Staff Day to be held in August is then described, including the use of group interviews to assess staff training needs. The three most serious training needs identified by this assessment are noted, and the results of the evaluation of the Staff Day are briefly reported. Outcomes of the study are also described, and the brief narrative report concludes with recommendations, plans, and suggestions for future activities. The eight appendices, which constitute the major Part of the report, contains: (1) Memphis State University Libraries' Public Service Goals; (2) staff day planning documents; (3) the Staff Day program agenda; (4) needs assessment group documents; (5) the evaluation form, tabular data, and participants' comments; (6) the planning calendar; (7) staff day follow-up documents; and (8) the recommendations of the Ad Hoc In-Service Training Committee. (MAB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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