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Autor/inHazlett, Shirley Holder
InstitutionZellerbach Family Fund, San Francisco, CA.; California State Dept. of Education, Sacramento.
TitelIt's Your Choice: A Program for Cardiovascular Health. Teaching Handbook.
Quelle(1985), (121 Seiten)
PDF als Volltext kostenfreie Datei Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Cardiovascular System; Curriculum Guides; Health Education; Health Promotion; High Schools; Life Style; Program Guides; Units of Study; Well Being
AbstractThis publication is designed to help high school students develop a lifestyle that promotes cardiovascular and overall health; activities are intended to promote total health and wellness. The handbook is composed of a curriculum guide and classroom materials, and is designed to fit into a comprehensive health education program. Multidisciplinary goals are to create growth in self-awareness, effective decision making, and responsible interaction in resolving problems or coping. Students are encouraged to identify personal habits that increase or decrease cardiovascular wellness; identify positive health changes they can and will make; and act on decisions to make positive lifestyle changes. Contents of the guide are organized as follows: a preface; project history; program description; topics and student learning objectives; program overview; guidelines for using "It's Your Choice"; and student handouts and transparency masters. Nine units are included, each focusing on a particular topic: (1) Cardiovascular Health; (2) Blood Pressure; (3) Exercise; (4) Sodium; (5) Saturated Fats and Cholesterol; (6) Body Fitness; (7) Tobacco Use; (8) Stress Management; and (9) Total Cardiovascular Self-Assessment. An appendix lists a variety of related books and brochures, examination procedures, and questions. (LL)
AnmerkungenSFSC/It's Your Choice, P.O. Box 5646, San Francisco, CA, 94101 ($7.50).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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