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Autor/inKareem, Jamila M.
TitelEnrolling or Serving?: Interest Convergence in Institutional Support of Writing Programs at HSIs
QuelleIn: Composition Forum, 51 (2023)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterEnrollment; Writing Instruction; Hispanic American Students; Minority Serving Institutions; Freshman Composition; Institutional Characteristics; College Freshmen; Critical Race Theory; Educational Theories; Cultural Context; Faculty Development; Public Colleges; Private Colleges; Florida
AbstractMuch of the research in composition about Hispanic-serving institutions focuses on the tripartite of writing program administrators, faculty, and students and the complexities of multilingual learner pedagogies. This article draws on conversational interview methods and data to analyze the servingness of three Floridian HSIs through critical race theory's interest convergence thesis. The interest convergence thesis advances that institutional efforts toward racial equality will persist only so far as those efforts also preserve the interests of racial dominance in social institutions. Guided by an institutional critique and racial methodological approach, this interest convergence analysis examines the impact of culturally White institutional ideologies on general education writing curriculum choices, professional development, and the ethnic-racial cultural composition of institutional governance. Interviews with WPAs from the three institutions detail how the institutional epistemologies of literacy affect their decisions and opportunities for Latinx-centric programmatic servingness at their HSIs. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenAssociation of Teachers of Advanced Composition. e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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