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Autor/inn/enPiotrowski, Chris; Hemasinha, Rohan
TitelCareer Path Decisions of Masters-Level Mathematics Students: A Comparative Review
QuelleIn: College Student Journal, 46 (2012) 4, S.823-828 (6 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterMajors (Students); Student Attitudes; Career Choice; Outcomes of Education; Gender Differences; Occupational Aspiration; Mathematics Education; Graduate Students; Undergraduate Students; Graduate Study; Educational Attainment; Florida
AbstractThere has been a flurry of research activity, in recent years, on the various aspects of STEM programs in the U.S. Yet there is scant research on vocational selection and career path aspirations of mathematics (hereon, math) students during their graduate-level education. The current study, based on a mixed-design, from data obtained on a small sample (n = 28) at the University of West Florida: a) compares graduate versus undergraduate (from data reported by Piotrowski & Hemasinha, 2012) math students' career decisions and preferences, and b) analyzes qualitative data on pedagogic factors that most influence career choice at the graduate level. Nearly half of our sample (46%) plan on finding immediate employment whereas one-third intend to pursue additional graduate studies while being employed. Findings indicate that masters-level math students' entry-level career preferences were as follows: Teaching in higher education, positions as statisticians, applied finance, secondary-level instruction, and working as a consultant. Moreover, these students felt that coursework in statistics, operations research, and mathematical modeling provided a robust foundation in the preparation for specific career positions. Despite an avid interest in finding professional positions in their chosen field, 68% of our sample plan on earning a doctoral degree within 10 years. Additional studies need to corroborate these preliminary findings at larger, geographically-diverse university settings in the U.S. Such research should expand the knowledge base on career path issues faced by newly-minted graduates of advanced STEM programs. Future investigations on math majors need to examine emerging issues like gender differences, "hybrid" majors, and the influence of graduate-level online education on vocational selection. (Contains 3 tables.) (As Provided).
AnmerkungenProject Innovation, Inc. P.O. Box 8508 Spring Hill Station, Mobile, AL 36689-0508. Tel: 251-343-1878; Fax: 251-343-1878; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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