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Autor/inn/enVorkapic, Sanja Tatalovic; Cepic, Renata; Mulc, Matina
TitelThe Comparison of Professional Self-Perceptions between Preschool and Primary School Teachers in Croatia
[Konferenzbericht] Paper presented at the International Partner Conference of the International Research Centre (IRC) "Scientific Cooperation" (2nd, Sofia and Nessebar, Bulgaria, Jun 2014).
Quelle(2014), (8 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterComparative Analysis; Preschool Teachers; Elementary School Teachers; Foreign Countries; Professional Identity; Teacher Characteristics; Self Concept; Croatia
AbstractStarting from the point of view of how the articulation and examination of personal values, beliefs and attitudes can stimulate the process of better understanding and the development of professionalism as well as the development of professional identity of preschool and primary school teachers, the main aim of this study was to explore the self-perceptions of primary school and preschool teachers about three characteristics that characterize the most quality teacher. The study included 140 teachers and 67 preschool teachers from the Istria and Primorsko-goranska County and 73 primary school teachers from the Primorsko-goranska County. Preschool teachers emphasize creativity, empathy and flexibility as the three most important characteristics of quality teachers, while primary school teachers mention knowledge and competencies for working with children, creativity and fairness. The study showed the most significant self-perceived desirable professional and personal characteristics of these two samples, and can serve as a solid ground for creating new university study programs or lifelong learning programs. [For the complete Volume 12 proceedings, see ED597979.] (As Provided).
AnmerkungenBulgarian Comparative Education Society. Blvd Shipchenski prohod 69 A, 1574 Sofia, Bulgaria. e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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