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Ariadne Pfad:


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SELF - Sozio-emotionale Lernfaktoren

Im Rahmen des SELF-Projektes (Sozio-emotionale Lernfaktoren) wurden die Skalen REMO (Relationship and Motivation) und TEMO (Teacher and Motivation Scale) mit dem Ziel entwickelt, Instrumente zur Verfügung zu stellen, welche den Zusammenhang zwischen sozialen Beziehungen im Klassenraum und den schulischen Motivationen von Sekundarschüler/-innen erheben können. REMO untersucht sowohl die peer group als Motivatoren als auch die Lehrkräfte. REMO ist mittlerweile in den Sprachen Deutsch, Englisch, Türkisch, Filipino und Russisch verfügbar. TEMO untersucht den Zusammenhang zwischen Lehrer-Schüler-Beziehungen und schulischer Motivation.

Studien- und Projektinformationen

Laufzeit2010 - 2018
ProjektleitungRaufelder, Diana
Beteiligte Wissenschaftler/innenBukowski, William; Drury, Kate; Hoferichter, Frances; Jagenow, Danilo
Beteiligte Institution(en)Freie Universität Berlin
FörderungVolkswagen Stiftung (Schumpeter Fellowship Initiative)
Inhaltliche AngabenIm Rahmen des SELF-Projektes (Sozio-emotionale Lernfaktoren) wurden die Skalen REMO (Relationship and Motivation) und TEMO (Teacher and Motivation Scale) mit dem Ziel entwickelt, Instrumente zur Verfügung zu stellen, welche den Zusammenhang zwischen sozialen Beziehungen im Klassenraum und den schulischen Motivationen von Sekundarschüler/-innen erheben können. REMO untersucht sowohl die peer group als Motivatoren als auch die Lehrkräfte. REMO ist mittlerweile in den Sprachen Deutsch, Englisch, Türkisch, Filipino und Russisch verfügbar. TEMO untersucht den Zusammenhang zwischen Lehrer-Schüler-Beziehungen und schulischer Motivation. (DIPF/Projektträger)
Erhebungsmethode(n)Eigenständig auszufüllender Fragebogen: Papier
Untersuchungsgebiet (geogr.)Deutschland (Brandenburg)

Forschungsdaten und -instrumente

Datenzugang DOI: 10.7477/407:278:1
Art der DatenSkalenkollektion
Archivierende EinrichtungForschungsdatenzentrum Bildung am DIPF (FDZ Bildung)
ZugänglichkeitDie Fragebogenskalen können für nicht-kommerzielle Forschungszwecke und in der Lehre frei nachgenutzt werden. Eine Verwendung der Instrumente, ganz oder in Teilen setzt die Achtung des Urheberrechts voraus. Urheber und Quelle sind entsprechend zu zitieren. Es gelten die allgemeinen Nutzungsbedingungen des Anbieters.
ErhebungsverfahrenEigenständig auszufüllender Fragebogen: Papier


Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)Hoferichter, Frances; Bakadorova, Olga; Raufelder, Diana; Francisco, Marilou B.: A comparison of Russian and Philippine secondary school students on their sociomotivational relationships in school. A motivation typology. - In: International journal of school & educational psychology, 7 (2019) 1, S. 89-101, URL: - ISSN: 2168-3611

Hoferichter, Frances; Lätsch, Alexander; Lazarides, Rebecca; Raufelder, Diana: The big-fish-little-pond effect on the four facets of academic self-concept. - In: Frontiers in psychology, 9 (2018) Art. 1247, 11 S., URL: - ISSN: 1664-1078

Hoferichter, Frances; Raufelder, Diana: Examining the role of social relationships in the association between neuroticism and test anxiety. Results from a study with German secondary school students. - In: Educational psychology, 35 (2015) 7, S. 851-868, URL: - ISSN: 0144-3410; 1469-5820

Hoferichter, Frances; Raufelder, Diana: Mothers and fathers - who matters for STEM performance? Gender-specific associations between STEM performance, parental pressure, and support during adolescence. - In: Frontiers in education, 4 (2019) 14, S. 1-10, URL: - ISSN: 2504-284X

Hoferichter, Frances; Raufelder, Diana; Eid, Michael: The mediating role of socio-motivational relationships in the interplay of perceived stress, neuroticism, and test anxiety among adolescent students. - In: Psychology in the schools, 51 (2014) 7, S. 736-752, URL: - ISSN: 0033-3085; 1520-6807

Hoferichter, Frances; Raufelder, Diana; Eid, Michael: Socio-motivational moderators - two sides of the same coin? Testing the potential buffering role of socio-motivational relationships on achievement drive and test anxiety among German and Canadian secondary school students. - In: Frontiers in psychology, 6 (2015) Art. 1675, 13 S., URL: - ISSN: 1664-1078

Hoferichter, Frances; Raufelder, Diana; Eid, Michael; Bukowski, William M.: Knowledge transfer or social competence? A comparison of German and Canadian adolescent students on their socio-motivational relationships in school. - In: School psychology international, 35 (2014) 6, S. 627-648, URL: - ISSN: 0143-0343; 1461-7374

Hoferichter, Frances; Raufelder, Diana; Ringeisen, Tobias; Rohrmann, Sonja; Bukowski, William M.: Assessing the multi-faceted nature of test anxiety among secondary school students. An English version of the German test anxiety questionnaire: PAF-E. - In: The journal of psychology, 150 (2016) 4, S. 450-468, URL: - ISSN: 0022-3980; 1940-1019

Jagenow, Danilo; Raufelder, Diana; Eid, Michael: A person-oriented approach to predict socio-motivational dependency in early adolescents. - In: Learning and individual differences, (2014) 36, S. 173-179, URL: - ISSN: 1041-6080

Jagenow, Danilo; Raufelder, Diana; Eid, Michael: The development of socio-motivational dependency from early to middle adolescence. - In: Frontiers in psychology, 6 (2015) Art. 194, 9 S., URL: - ISSN: 1664-1078

Golde, Sabrina; Romund, Lydia; Lorenz, Robert C.; Pelz, Patricia; Gleich, Tobias; Beck, Anne; Raufelder, Diana: Loneliness and adolescents' neural processing of self, friends, and teachers. Consequences for the school self-concept. - In: Journal of research on adolescence, 29 (2019) 4, S. 938-952, URL: - ISSN: 1050-8392; 1532-7795

Golde, Sabrina; Gleich, Tobias; Romund, Lydia; Stippl, Anna; Pelz, Patricia; Raufelder, Diana; Lorenz, Robert C.; Beck, Anne: Adolescents' neural reactivity to acute psychosocial stress. Dysfunctional regulation habits are linked to temporal gyrus response. - In: Development and psychopathology, 35 (2021) 1, 13 S., URL: - ISSN: 0954-5794; 1469-2198

Bakadorova, Olga; Raufelder, Diana: The mediating role of socio-motivational support in the association between individual school self-concept and achievement motivation amongst adolescent students. - In: European Journal of education and psychology, 29 (2014) 3, S. 347-366, URL: - ISSN: 1888-8992; 1989-2209

Bakadorova, Olga; Raufelder, Diana: Perception of teachers and peers during adolescence: does school self-concept matter? Results of a qualitative study. - In: Learning and individual differences, (2015) 43, S. 218-225, URL: - ISSN: 1041-6080

Bakadorova, Olga; Raufelder, Diana: Do socio-motivational relationships predict achievement motivation in adolescents with high and low school self-concepts? - In: The journal of educational research, 109 (2016) 3, S. 219-231, URL: - ISSN: 0022-0671; 1940-0675

Bakadorova, Olga; Raufelder, Diana: The interplay of students' school engagement, school self-concept and motivational relations during adolescence. - In: Frontiers in psychology, 8 (2017) Art. 2171, 12 S., URL: - ISSN: 1664-1078

Bakadorova, Olga; Raufelder, Diana: The essential role of the teacher-student relationship in students' need satisfaction during adolescence. - In: Journal of applied developmental psychology, 58 (2018) July-September, S. 57-65, URL: - ISSN: 0193-3973 - ISBN: 01933973

Bakadorova, Olga; Raufelder, Diana: The relationship of school self-concept, goal orientations and achievement during adolescence. - In: Self and identity, 19 (2020) 2, S. 235-249, URL: - ISSN: 1529-8868; 1529-8876

Boehme, Rebecca; Lorenz, Robert C.; Gleich, Tobias; Romund, Lydia; Pelz, Patricia; Golde, Sabrina; Flemming, Eva; Wold, Andrew; Deserno, Lorenz; Behr, Joachim; Raufelder, Diana; Heinz, Andreas; Beck, Anne: Reversal learning strategy in adolescence is associated with prefrontal cortex activation. - In: European journal of neuroscience, 45 (2017) 1, S. 129-137, URL: - ISSN: 0953-816X; 1460-9568

Gleich, Tobias; Lorenz, Robert C.; Pöhland, Lydia; Raufelder, Diana; Deserno, Lorenz; Beck, Anne; Heinz, Andreas; Kühn, Simone; Gallinat, Jürgen: Frontal glutamate and reward processing in adolescence and adulthood. - In: Brain structure & function, 220 (2015) 6, S. 3087-3099, URL: - ISSN: 1863-2653; 1863-2661

Krunke, Hannah Marei; Raufelder, Diana: What it means to be an adolescent teacher-and-peer-independent motivation type. - In: Journal of education and learning, 3 (2014) 3, S. 33-44, URL: - ISSN: 1927-5269

Kulakow, Stefan; Raufelder, Diana; Hoferichter, Frances: School-related pressure and parental support as predictors of change in student stress levels from early to middle adolescence. - In: Journal of adolescence, 87 (2021) February, S. 38-51, URL: - ISSN: 0140-1971; 1095-9254

Raufelder, Diana; Lazarides, Rebecca; Lätsch, Alexander: How classmates' stress affects student's quality of motivation. - In: Stress and health, 34 (2018) 5, S. 649-662, URL: - ISSN: 1532-2998

Raufelder, Diana; Neumann, Nicola; Domin, Martin; Lorenz, Robert C.; Gleich, Tobias; Golde, Sabrina; Romund, Lydia; Beck, Anne; Hoferichter, Frances: Do belonging and social exclusion at school affect structural brain development during adolescence? - In: Child development, 92 (2021) 6, S. 2213-2223, URL: - ISSN: 0009-3920; 1467-8624

Raufelder, Diana; Nitsche, Lisa; Breitmeyer, Sven; Keßler, Sabrina; Herrmann, Elisa; Regner, Nicola: Students' perception of "good" and "bad" teachers. Results of a qualitative thematic analysis with German adolescents. - In: International journal of educational research, 75 (2016) 2016, S. 31-44, URL: - ISSN: 0883-0355

Raufelder, Diana; Regner, Nicola; Drury, Kate; Eid, Michael: Does self-determination predict the school engagement of four different motivation types in adolescence? - In: Educational psychology, 36 (2016) 7, S. 1242-1263, URL: - ISSN: 0144-3410; 1469-5820

Raufelder, Diana; Regner, Nicola; Wood, Megan A.: Test anxiety and learned helplessness is moderated by student perceptions of teacher motivational support. - In: Educational psychology, 38 (2018) 1, S. 54-74, URL: - ISSN: 0144-3410; 1469-5820

Raufelder, Diana; Ringeisen, Tobias: Self-perceived competence and test anxiety. The role of academic self-concept and self-efficacy. - In: Journal of individual differences, 37 (2016) 3, S. 159-167, URL: - ISSN: 1614-0001; 2151-2299

Raufelder, Diana; Sahabandu, Diomira; Martínez, Guadalupe Sánchez; Escobar, Victoria: The mediating role of social relationships in the association of adolescents' individual school self-concept and their school engagement, belonging and helplessness in school. - In: Educational psychology, 35 (2015) 2, S. 137-157, URL: - ISSN: 0144-3410; 1469-5820

Raufelder, Diana; Scherber, Sandra; Wood, Megan A.: The interplay between adolescents' perception of teacher-student relationships and their academic self-regulation. Does liking a specific teacher matter? - In: Psychology in the schools, 53 (2016) 7, S. 736-750, URL: - ISSN: 0033-3085; 1520-6807

Ringeisen, Tobias; Raufelder, Diana: The interplay of parental support, parental pressure and test anxiety. Gender differences in adolescents. - In: Journal of adolescence, 45 (2015) December, S. 67-79, URL: - ISSN: 0140-1971; 1095-9254

Ringeisen, Tobias; Raufelder, Diana: Die Rolle von Neurotizismus im Zusammenspiel von schulbezogenem elterlichen Verhalten und Prüfungsängstlichkeit bei Jugendlichen unter Berücksichtigung geschlechtsspezifischer Effekte. - Aus: Morgenroth, Stefanie (Hrsg.): Social support in Schulischen Kontexten. Berlin: Logos (2017), S. 117-154, URL: - ISBN: 978-3-8325-4031-9

Ringeisen, Tobias; Raufelder, Diana; Schnell, Kerstin; Rohrmann, Sonja: Validating the proposed structure of the relationships among test anxiety and its predictors based on control-value theory. Evidence for gender-specific patterns. - In: Educational psychology, 36 (2016) 10, S. 1826-1844, URL: - ISSN: 0144-3410; 1469-5820

Romund, Lydia; Golde, Sabrina; Lorenz, Robert C.; Raufelder, Diana; Pelz, Patricia; Gleich, Tobias; Heinz, Andreas; Beck, Anne: Neural correlates of the self-concept in adolescence. A focus on the significance of friends. - In: Human brain mapping, 38 (2017) 2, S. 987-996, URL: - ISSN: 1065-9471; 1097-0193

Romund, Lydia; Raufelder, Diana; Flemming, Eva; Lorenz, Robert C.; Pelz, Patricia; Gleich, Tobias; Heinz, Andreas; Beck, Anne: Maternal parenting behavior and emotion processing in adolescents. An fMRI study. - In: Biological psychology, (2016) 120, S. 120-125, URL: - ISSN: 0301-0511; 1873-6246

Schnell, Kerstin; Ringeisen, Tobias; Raufelder, Diana; Rohrmann, Sonja: The impact of adolescents' self-efficacy and self-regulated goal attainment processes on school performance. Do gender and test anxiety matter? - In: Learning and individual differences, (2015) 38, S. 90-98, URL: - ISSN: 1041-6080

Raufelder, Diana; Jagenow, Danilo; Hoferichter, Frances; Drury, Kate M.: The person-oriented approach in the field of educational psychology. - In: Problems of psychology in the 21st century, 5 (2013) April, S. 79-88, URL: - ISSN: 2538-7197

Raufelder, Diana; Jagenow, Danilo; Drury, Kate; Hoferichter, Frances: Social relationships and motivation in secondary school. Four different motivation types. - In: Learning and individual differences, (2013) 24, S. 89-95, URL: - ISSN: 1041-6080

Raufelder, Diana; Hoferichter, Frances; Schulze, Anne-Kathrin: Liking a teacher and what it means for adolescent girls' and boys' perception of stress and test anxiety. - Aus: Moore, Kathleen A. (Hrsg.); Howard, Siobhan (Hrsg.); Buchwald, Petra (Hrsg.): Stress and anxiety. Applications to schools, well-being, coping, and internet use. Berlin: Logos (2015), S. 17-26, URL: - Stress and anxiety - ISBN: 978-3-8325-4004-3

Raufelder, Diana; Hoferichter, Frances; Schneeweiss, David; Wood, Megan A.: The power of social and motivational relationships for test-anxious adolescents' academic self-regulation. - In: Psychology in the schools, 52 (2015) 5, S. 447-462, URL: - ISSN: 0033-3085; 1520-6807

Lätsch, Alexander: Do perceived helpfulness and competition in classroom contexts moderate or mediate the association between perceived stress and socio-emotional strengths and difficulties from early to middle adolescence? - In: Learning and individual differences, (2017) 58, S. 31-40, URL: - ISSN: 1041-6080

Lätsch, Alexander: Does perceived stress moderate the association between depressive symptoms and socioemotional and behavioural strengths and difficulties in adolescence? - In: Stress and health, 34 (2017) 2, S. 208-217, URL: - ISSN: 1532-2998

Lätsch, Alexander: The interplay of emotional instability and socio-environmental aspects of schools during adolescence. - In: European journal of educational research, 7 (2018) 2, S. 281-293, URL: - ISSN: 2165-8714

Lätsch, Alexander; Raufelder, Diana; Wulff, Tino: The influence of social relationships on conduct problems in school context. Does school engagement matter? - In: International journal of criminology and sociology, (2016) 5, S. 113-122, URL: - ISSN: 1929-4409

Lazarides, Rebecca; Raufelder, Diana: Longitudinal effects of student-perceived classroom support on motivation. A latent change model. - In: Frontiers in psychology, 8 (2017) Art. 417, 11 S., URL: - ISSN: 1664-1078

Lorenz, Robert C.; Gleich, Tobias; Beck, Anne; Pöhland, Lydia; Raufelder, Diana; Sommer, Werner; Rapp, Michael A.; Kühn, Simone; Gallinat, Jürgen: Reward anticipation in the adolescent and aging brain. - In: Human brain mapping, 35 (2014) 10, S. 5153-5165, URL: - ISSN: 1065-9471; 1097-0193

Lorenz, Robert C.; Gleich, Tobias; Kühn, Simone; Pöhland, Lydia; Pelz, Patricia; Wüstenberg, Torsten; Raufelder, Diana; Heinz, Andreas; Beck, Anne: Subjective illusion of control modulates striatal reward anticipation in adolescence. - In: NeuroImage, 117 (2015), S. 250-257, URL: - ISSN: 1053-8119; 1095-9572

Bakadorova, Olga; Lazarides, Rebecca; Raufelder, Diana: Effects of social and individual school self-concepts on school engagement during adolescence. - In: European journal of psychology of education, 35 (2020) 1, S. 73-91, URL: - ISSN: 0256-2928; 1878-5174

Raufelder, Diana; Bakadorova, Olga; Yalcin, Seher; Dibek, Münevver Ilgun; Yavuz, H. Cigdem: Motivational relations with peers and teachers among German and Turkish adolescents. A cross-cultural perspective. - In: Learning and individual differences, (2017) 55, S. 13-20, URL: - ISSN: 1041-6080

Raufelder, Diana; Boehme, Rebecca; Romund, Lydia; Golde, Sabrina; Lorenz, Robert C.; Gleich, Tobias; Beck, Anne: Does feedback-related brain response during reinforcement learning predict socio-motivational (in-)dependence in adolescence? - In: Frontiers in psychology, 7 (2016) Art. 655, 11 S., URL: - ISSN: 1664-1078

Raufelder, Diana; Bukowski, William M.; Mohr, Sonja: Thick description of the teacher-student relationship in the educational context of school. Results of an ethnographic field study. - In: Journal of education and training studies, 1 (2013) 2, S. 1-18, URL: - ISSN: 2324-805X; 2324-8068

Raufelder, Diana; Drury, Kate; Jagenow, Danilo; Hoferichter, Frances; Bukowski, William: Development and validation of the relationship and motivation (REMO) scale to assess students' perceptions of peers and teachers as motivators in adolescence. - In: Learning and individual differences, (2013) 24, S. 182-189, URL: - ISSN: 1041-6080

Raufelder, Diana; Hoferichter, Frances: Development and validation of the teacher and motivation (TEMO) scale. A self-report measure assessing students' perceptions of liked and disliked teachers as motivators. - In: International journal of school & educational psychology, 3 (2015) 2, S. 97-106, URL: - ISSN: 2168-3611

Raufelder, Diana; Hoferichter, Frances; Francisco, Marilou B.: Validation of the Philippine version of the relationship and motivation scales (REMO-P). - In: Philippine journal of psychology, 49 (2016) 1, S. 43-72, URL: - ISSN: 0115-3153

Raufelder, Diana; Hoferichter, Frances; Ringeisen, Tobias; Regner, Nicola; Jacke, Christina: The perceived role of parental support and pressure in the interplay of test anxiety and school engagement among adolescents. Evidence for gender-specific relations. - In: Journal of child and family studies, 24 (2015) 12, S. 3742-3756, URL: - ISSN: 1062-1024; 1573-2843

Raufelder, Diana; Hoferichter, Frances; Romund, Lydia; Golde, Sabrina; Lorenz, Robert C.; Beck, Anne: Adolescents' socio-motivational relationships with teachers, amygdala response to teacher's negative facial expressions and test anxiety. - In: Journal of research on adolescence, 26 (2016) 4, S. 706-722, URL: - ISSN: 1050-8392; 1532-7795

Bakadorova, Olga; Hoferichter, Frances; Raufelder, Diana: Similar but different. Social relations and achievement motivation in adolescent students from Montréal and Moscow. - In: Compare, 50 (2019) 6, S. 904-921, URL: - ISSN: 0305-7925; 1469-3623

Bakadorova, Olga: Associations between school self-concept, social relationships and achievement motivation in adolescence in the school context. - Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin (2015), 172 S., URL:;; - Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, Diss., 2015.

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DOI: 10.7477/407:278:1

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