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Autor/inn/enDieringer, Daniel D; Lenz, Janet G; Hayden, Seth C. W; Peterson, Gary W
TitelThe Relation of Negative Career Thoughts to Depression and Hopelessness.
QuelleIn: The Career development quarterly, (2017) 2, S.159-172
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterHopelessness; Dysfunctional career thinking; Career counseling; Depression; Career development; Vocational guidance; Book publishing; Psychiatric services; Mental health; Research; Depression, Mental; Decision-making; Decision making; College students; Career preparation; Career development planning; Decision theory; Mental depression
AbstractAlthough some research literature focuses on the integration of mental health and career counseling, there has been little that examines both areas in relation to depression and hopelessness. This study investigated the relationship among dysfunctional career thinking, depression, and hopelessness in a sample of 139 undergraduate and graduate students seeking drop‐in or individual career counseling services at a university career center. The authors found that two aspects of dysfunctional career thinking, decision‐making confusion and commitment anxiety, accounted for a significant amount of variance in depression. Decision‐making confusion also accounted for a significant amount of variance in hopelessness. Implications for counseling practice include the need for more careful screening of career clients who present with high levels of anxiety and negative thinking. Future research could involve more diverse client populations, such as unemployed adults, and explore the use of additional screening measures to assess the intersection of career and mental health issues.
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