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Sonst. PersonenZhang, Naijian (Hrsg.)
TitelRentz's student affairs practice in higher education. 6th ed.
QuelleSpringfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, Publisher, Ltd. (2023)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9780398094140 (gebundene Ausgabe); 9780398094157 (E-Book)
SchlagwörterStudent affairs services; United States; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
Abstract"Rentz's Student Affairs Practice in Higher Education introduces readers to the functions of all student affairs services on college campus and to the nuts and bolts on what student affairs professionals in each specific area do to achieve their goals of providing students with meaningful collegiate experiences and accomplish the institution's mission. The book not only includes the evolution of student affairs but also how its philosophy and theories are integrated into its practice. By reading this edition experienced student affairs professionals will acquire a thorough understanding of each student affairs service on college/university campus and increase their competence in practice. This new sixth edition has 17 chapters which include the philosophical heritage of student affairs, historical perspective of higher education and student affairs, admissions to enrollment management, academic advising, career services, counseling centers, student conduct, multicultural affairs and special support services, orientation, residence halls, student life programs, fraternity and sorority life, collegiate recreation, financial aid, student learning assessment, health services, and future of student affairs. It has been integrated with the most recent literature on student affairs development, especially how the global pandemic has impacted the practice of student affairs in higher education and how the social, political, and economic dynamics at the national level have influenced the climate of college and university campus as well as the most recent professional standards. A unique feature of the book is that its contributors are expert practitioners and scholars. Through this book student affairs professionals will learn knowledge and wisdom not only from the current generation in student affairs but also from the generations many years in the past. The sixth edition has advanced the knowledge base of student affairs while inheriting its values and missions for higher education"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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