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Autor/inWatters, Audrey
TitelClaim your domain--and own your online presence.
QuelleBloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press (2016), XI, 57 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheSolutions for modern learning
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781942496236 (Taschenbuch); 1942496230 (Taschenbuch)
SchlagwörterInternet in education; Educational technology; Internet; Security measures; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractWhere Is the Digital Manila Envelope? -- Creating the Digital Manila Envelope -- Claiming Education Technology -- Chapter Overview -- ch. 1 The Learner's Digital Domain -- What Data "Count" as Education Records? -- Why Education Data Matter -- Who Owns Student Data? -- Claiming Student Data -- ch. 2 Why Claim Your Domain? -- The Web: Your Digital Domain -- Claiming Education Technology -- The Templated Self -- Students: Subjects or Objects of Ed-Tech? -- Claiming Your Life Bits -- Hosting Life Bits -- Personal Data Repositories -- ch. 3 Controlling Our Own Technologies -- The Indie Web and Edupunk -- A Domain of One's Own -- Domains and the Democratization of Knowledge -- Conclusion -- Beyond the Portfolio -- Claim Is a Verb -- Appendix -- Definitions -- Resources.. Help protect student work and more importantly, student identity. This book engages K 12 educators in a powerful conversation about modern learning and schooling in the connected world. It puts learners at the forefront of education, to ensure they control their schoolwork, content, and data. Dig deep into the digital revolution occurring in schools and classrooms, explore how to incorporate traditional instructional practices in the digital classroom, and understand the skills students need to be digitally literate. Challenge traditional thinking about education and help to develop the modern contexts teachers and leaders need to effectively support digital learners.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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