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Autor/inn/enInglis, Holly J.; Dawson, Kathy L.; Nishioka, Rodger Y.
TitelSticky learning.
How neuroscience supports teaching that's remembered.
QuelleMinneapolis, MN: Fortress Press (2014), V, 115 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheSeminarium: the elements of great teaching Seminarium elements
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN1451488785; 9781451488784
SchlagwörterLearning, Psychology of; Learning strategies; Theology; Study and teaching; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
Abstractpart 1: Where we are. The changing landscape / Holly J. Inglis -- part 2: Where we are headed. The nature of learning / Holly J. Inglis -- How the brain works / Holly J. Inglis -- How memory works / Holly J. Inglis -- part 3: The courage to change the things you can. Tips for sticky learning / Holly J. Inglis -- The artistic and even risky endeavor of teaching: a narrative response to "Tips for sticky learning" / Rodger Y. Nishioka -- What's a teacher to do? / Holly J. Inglis -- Reimagining course design: a case study / Kathy L. Dawson. Educators are engaging with neuroscientists to reshape classroom practices, content delivery, curriculum design, and physical classroom spaces to enhance students' learning and memory, primarily in elementary and secondary education. Why not in seminary education? An overview of brain-friendly approaches to teaching enables seminary instructors to make concrete modifications in the structure and content of what they teach, making learning more 'sticky.' Inglis's synopsis of the use of neuroscience in the classroom and suggested action is followed by a collaborative dialogue with Dawson and Nishioka. --Book cover.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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