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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inn/enDobler, Elizabeth; Eagleton, Maya B.
TitelReading the Web.
Strategies for Internet inquiry. 2nd ed.
QuelleNew York: The Guilford Press (2015), XXIII, 295 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterInternet in education; Computers and literacy; Anthologie; EDUCATION / Computers & Technology; LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Literacy; EDUCATION / Elementary; Erziehung
Abstract1. Opportunities and Challenges -- Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave -- Driving without a License: Gen Zs on the Web -- Roadblocks on the Way to the Information Superhighway -- Research Is Not a Four-Letter Word -- Internet Inquiry: The Sweet Spot -- A Web Literacy Curriculum -- Summary -- 2. Learning How to Learn -- Learning by Doing: Constructivism -- Learning with Others: Socioculturalism -- Learning through Symbols: Semiotics -- Universal Design for Learning -- Elements of Effective Instruction -- Outcomes of Effective Instruction -- The Educator's Role -- Summary -- 3. Becoming Literate -- Literacy Family Tree -- Cueing Systems Theory -- Transactional Theory -- Reading Comprehension Strategies -- Foundational Reading Skills -- Informational Text -- The Reciprocal Nature of Learning -- Summary -- 4. Preparing for the QUEST -- The QUEST Model of Internet Inquiry -- Technical Preparation -- Conceptual Preparation -- Assessing Internet Inquiry Strategies -- Summary -- Handouts -- 5. Questioning -- Why Is Questioning Important? -- What Characterizes "Good" Questions? -- How Do We Teach Questioning Strategies? -- Summary -- Handouts -- 6. Understanding Resources -- Why Is It Important to Understand Resources? -- When Do We Need to Use Resources? -- What Characterizes Effective Use of Resources? -- How Do We Teach Strategies for Understanding Resources? -- Summary -- Handouts -- 7. Evaluating -- Why Is It Important to Evaluate? -- When Do We Evaluate? -- What Characterizes Evaluation? -- How Do We Teach Evaluation Strategies? -- Summary -- Handouts -- 8. Synthesizing -- Why Is It Important to Synthesize? -- When Do We Synthesize? -- What Characterizes Synthesis? -- How Do We Teach Synthesis Strategies? -- Summary -- Handouts -- 9. Transforming -- Why Is It Important to Transform Information? -- When Do We Transform Information? -- What Characterizes Information Transformation? -- How Do We Teach Transformation Strategies? -- Summary -- Handouts -- 10. Reflecting on the QUEST -- Reflecting: What Have I Learned as a Teacher? -- What Have My Students Learned? -- What Have We Learned as Authors? -- Final Thoughts -- References -- Index.. "Today's students need to know how to locate, comprehend, evaluate, and use online information efficiently and effectively. This widely used teacher guide and course text provides a framework for maximizing students' critical, creative use of the Web in grades 3-8. Research-based strategies for instruction and assessment across the content areas are clearly explained and linked to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). In a large-size format for easy photocopying, the book is packed with graphics, sidebars, lesson plans, and more than 90 reproducible handouts. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. New to This Edition *Incorporates state-of-the-art research and Web resources. *Chapter on major Web 3.0 developments, such as the rise of social media and mobile devices. *Connections to the CCSS are identified throughout. *Stronger focus on Universal Design for Learning and differentiated instruction. *Larger format facilitates photocopying of the updated reproducible tools"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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