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Erweiterte Literatursuche

Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inAlexander, Geoff
TitelFilms you saw in school.
A critical review of 1,153 classroom educational films (1958-1985) in 74 subject categories.
QuelleJefferson, N.C.: McFarland (2014), X, 282 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9780786472635; 0786472634
SchlagwörterEducational films; History and criticism; Motion pictures in education; History; 20. Jahrhundert; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractSocial science and geography films -- History films -- Science and math films -- Arts and crafts films -- Literature and language arts films -- Sociodrama films -- Foreign language instructional films. "This book discusses more than 1,000 educational films. Here, this remarkable body of work is classified into seven subject categories, within which some of the most effective and successful films are juxtaposed against those that were didactic and plodding treatments of similar thematic material. Many of the films are fascinating, and much of their content remains relevant. "--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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