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Autor/inn/enÐuranovic, Marina; Klasnic, Irena; Opic, Valentina
TitelA Child with Down Syndrome--Challenge for Families, Kindergartens and Schools
Quelle(2017) 5, S.32-41 (10 Seiten)Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterDown Syndrome; Barriers; Early Intervention; Childrens Rights; Child Development; Mainstreaming; Kindergarten; Elementary Schools; Inclusion; Case Studies; Foreign Countries; Croatia
AbstractEvery day, the number of children born with disabilities is increasing. One of the many disabilities is Down's syndrome, which occurs on average in one of 650 infants. For a child born with this disability, it is much more difficult to normally grow, develop and function in everyday life. In the past, children born with Down syndrome were neglected, and their education was not paid almost any attention. Today, there are significant changes in social awareness related to rights and needs of children with Down syndrome. Early intervention programs that are being developed in order to mitigate problems of children with disabilities are becoming much better, and the number of therapeutic methods is increasing. There are a number of institutions and organizations which provide assistance and support to the parents of children with Down syndrome. To encourage their overall development and enable easier and more efficient functioning in society, children with Down syndrome are being integrated into pre-school and school facilities. The aim of this work is to further sensitize the public to problems and needs of this very vulnerable population of children and show examples of successful integration of children with Down syndrome in kindergarten and elementary schools. [Selected paper of 5th International Conference on Education--IC-ED-2016, 26-28 May 2016, South East European University, Skopje Campus.] (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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