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Autor/inSmith, Robert D.
TitelA Statement on the Concept of an Urban Telecommunications Center.
Quelle(1971), (10 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Communication (Thought Transfer); Community Change; Community Control; Community Cooperation; Community Coordination; Information Centers; Information Networks; Learning Resources Centers; Professional Personnel; Resource Centers; Telecommunications; Urban Areas
AbstractAn urban Telecommunications Center could offer much to the city of the future. First, it would be a media facilities center, offering materials, classes, and studios for the production of programs. Because it would have a professional staff, the Center would also be a source of expertise to the community. Another function of the Center would be to coordinate and combine community resources to serve the varied needs of the community. Looking further into the future, other functions that the urban Telecommunications Center might be performing 10 years from now could be controlling traffic patterns, providing a two-way-video system for interpersonal communication, and supplying a myriad of other public functions. If these Centers are to function as the coordinators of the future electronic culture, we will have to acquire new skills and understandings to deal with advances in technology. It is hoped that the Telecommunications Center will become a place of art as well as information, so that knowledge can be conveyed efficiently, but with humanity, grace, and humor as well. (SH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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