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Sonst. PersonenBurr, Helen G. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionVirginia Univ., Charlottesville. Dept. of Speech Pathology and Audiology.
TitelThe Aphasic Adult; Evaluation and Rehabilitation.
Quelle(1964), (196 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdults; Aphasia; Language Learning Levels; Language Skills; Linguistic Theory; Rehabilitation; Speech Evaluation; Speech Handicaps; Speech Therapy
AbstractThe purpose of the course on aphasia in adults, from which these proceedings resulted, was to increase the knowledge and skill of professional persons who are actively engaged in the areas of aphasia: in research, rehabilitation, or teaching. The course was jointly sponsored by the University of Virginia and the Vocational Rehabilitation Administration, and was presented at the University of Virginia and the Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center on December 3-6, 1963. The first section of this compilation, "The Nature of Aphasia," contains papers by J. Eisenson, W.G. Hardy, H. Goodglass, W.E. Castle, and W. Reise. The second section, "The Evaluation of the Aphasic Adult," contains papers by F. Dreifuss, J. Eisenson, J. Lore, and H. Goodglass. "The Treatment of the Aphasic Adult," the third section, contains papers by C. Reedy, J.H. Allan, R.M. Hoover, H. Goodglass, J. Eisenson, P. Breeding, M. Taylor, and R. Stoudt, and a joint evaluation of progress by J. Eisenson, W.G. Hardy, and M. Taylor. "Directions in Research on Aphasia," the final section, contains commentaries by F. Dreifuss, H. Goodglass, M. Taylor, W.G. Hardy, and J. Eisenson. A roster of participants concludes the proceedings. [Not available in hard copy due to marginal legibility of original document.] (AMM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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