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Autor/inWu-Neuer, Szu-Yin
TitelAnalysis and Contextualization of Large-Scale International Structure Assessment Tests in Germany and Taiwan.
QuelleTübingen: Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen (2023), 258 S.
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Dissertation, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, 2023.
Dokumenttyponline; Monographie
SchlagwörterMehrebenenanalyse; Sekundäranalyse; TIMSS (Third International Mathematics and Science Study); Vergleichsuntersuchung; Persönlichkeitsmerkmal; Eltern; Elementarbereich; Lehrer; Schüler; Schulleistungsmessung; Geschlecht; Kontextualisierung; Naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht; Geschlechterfrage; Sachunterricht; Wissenschaft; Dissertation; Internationaler Vergleich; Deutschland; Taiwan
AbstractAs greater emphasis is placed on science education globally as a means of generating a high rate of return to national growth, there has been an increasing focus on regular monitoring of science performance and its antecedents. Although numerous studies have provided valuable indications that psychological characteristics and contextual factors are strongly and significantly related to children´s achievement, relatively less research has focused on the subject area of science. Guided by an ecological model and expectancy-value theory, this cross-national comparative study aims to gain a clearer understanding of how psychological and contextual factors benefit or hinder children´s science outcomes by comparing the phenomena in two contrasting country contexts. Particular attention is given to teachers´ and parents´ expectations, children´s motivational beliefs about learning science, student gender and family circumstances that might magnify or reduce the gap in science achievement between Germany and Taiwan, specifically. Using TIMSS 2019 data and applying several HLM analyses, this quantitative study empirically and comparatively examines the ways in which both student and school attributes are related to science achievement. Results indicate that several affective and contextual characteristics, including students´ attitudes toward science, family socio-economic status and parents´ expectations, are related positively to student science achievement, both in Germany and Taiwan. No relationship, however, is found between teacher quality and science outcomes within each selected nation. Teachers´ expectations and student gender are key predictors of science achievement only in Germany, and not in Taiwan. Further, teachers´ and parents´ expectations, respectively, impact the relationship between students´ attitudes toward science and science achievement in Taiwan. Distinct social and cultural backgrounds across countries result in the differences observed in the ways that children are expected to be, and are, motivated between Germany and Taiwan, which may explain the gap in science outcomes between nations. Findings suggest that strengthening the connections among children, parents and teachers would help build a trusty, respectful and encouraging learning climate and environment benefiting the quality of science education and improve science achievement for each child regardless of their social origins and cultural background. (Orig.).
Erfasst vonDeutsche Nationalbibliothek, Frankfurt am Main
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