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Sonst. PersonenLewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Barbara (Hrsg.)
TitelCultural Conceptualizations in Translation and Language Applications.
1st ed. 2020.
QuelleCham: Springer International Publishing (2020), X, 261 S.
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ReiheSecond Language Learning and Teaching
BeigabenIllustrationen 46; farbige Illustrationen 22
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-3-030-43335-2; 978-3-030-43336-9; 978-3-030-43337-6; 978-3-030-43338-3
SchlagwörterPädagogische Psychologie; Translation; Interpretation
AbstractThe book comprises a selection of 14 papers concerning the general theme of cultural conceptualizations in communication and translation, as well as in various applications of language. Ten papers in the first part Translation and Culture cover the topics of a cognitive approach to conceptualizations of Source Language - versus Target Language - texts in translation, derived from general language, media texts, and literature. The second part Applied Cultural Models comprises four papers discussing cultural conceptualizations of language in the educational context, particularly of Foreign Language Teaching, in online communication and communication in deaf communities. Contents: Primary and Secondary Translations and their Cultural Implications -- The Bible translation imbroglio -- "Welcome to the Gap:" The Cultural Gap of Translation at the Age of New Media -- Cycles of Re-conceptualization in Translation with a special focus on some selected Arabic-English proverbs -- The phenomenon of intertextuality in the translation of political texts -- (Re)translating Psychology: a Triple Case Study. Sociology and Psychology in Translation -- Drama Translation into Arabic, Shakespeare's Macbeth: Issues and Solutions -- The Translator's Ideology in the Poetic Text. Homoeroticism in Shakespeare's Sonnets -- Translation of handwritten official documents on the example of entries in the German Land and Mortgage Registers from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries -- The Impact of Style on the Quality of Writing and Translation -- Towards an integrative model of writer identity through the conceptualization of dialogicality in academic text -- Metaphors as intracultural bridge for educational enterprise -- Integrating cultural conceptualization and intercultural misunderstandings into business administration curricula -- The Influence of Polish Sign Language on Written Polish of Deaf People.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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