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Autor/inArcilla, Rene V.
TitelPhilosophical essay on Wim Wenders's road movies.
Education without learning. First edition.
Quelle[London, England]: Bloomsbury Academic (2020), 176 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReihePhilosophies of Education in Art, Cinema, and Literature
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-1-350-11042-7; 978-1-350-11045-8
SchlagwörterBildungstheorie; Pädagogik; Film; Philosophie; Wenders, Wim
Abstract"What is education? Most of the time, we have little patience for this question because we take the answer to be obvious: we identify education with school learning. This book focuses on education outside of the school context as a basis for criticizing and improving school learning. Following the examples of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and John Dewey, Arcilla seeks to harmonize schooling with a more pervasive education we are all naturally undergoing. He develops a philosophical theory of education that stresses the experience of being led out-a theory latent in the Latin term, " educere '-by examining the road movies of Wim Wenders. This book contributes both to our understanding of another crucial kind of education our schooling could better serve, and to our appreciation of what unifies and distinguishes Wenders's achievements in cinema."--. Contents: Introduction -- 1. Alice in the Cities -- 2. Related Road Movies -- 3. Genre Contrasts -- 4. Education Movies -- 5. Learning without Education -- 6. Coda -- References -- Index.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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