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Autor/inStürmer, Verena
TitelSimilarities and differences between West and East German primers, 1945-1949.
QuelleIn: Journal of educational media, memory, and society, 11 (2019) 1, S. 73-96Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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BeigabenIllustrationen 8; Literaturangaben S. 94-96
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN2041-6938; 2041-6946
SchlagwörterBildungsgeschichte; Fibel; Lehrwerkanalyse; Schulbuch; Erstleseunterricht; Nationalsozialismus; 20. Jahrhundert; Bildliche Darstellung; Inhalt; Besatzungsmacht; Deutschland-Sowjetische Besatzungszone
AbstractThe ban on almost all previously approved textbooks in occupied Germany in 1945 brought about a turning point in the history of reading primers in this country. This article examines the requirements that textbooks had to fulfill in order to be approved by the authorities of the various occupation zones. In spite of differing sociopolitical and pedagogical attitudes and conditions, reading primersin all occupied zones shared the theme of children's play and harmonious everyday life. However, a comparative analysis of the primers reveals significant differences that cannot be explained exclusively as a consequence of influence exerted by occupying powers. Rather, these differences resulted from the context in which each primer appeared.
Erfasst vonBBF | Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung des DIPF, Berlin
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