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Autor/inBaciu, Ciprian
TitelThe evolution of educational means.
A historical perspective.
QuelleIn: Procedia : social and behavioral sciences, (2015) 180, S. 280-285
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN1877-0428; 1877-0509
SchlagwörterPädagogik; Historische Bildungsforschung; Kognitive Entwicklung; Bildungsmittel; Schule; Schulentwicklung; Evolution; Mensch; Menschheit; Taxonomie; Prähistorische Archäologie; Analyse; Studie; Theorie-Praxis-Beziehung
AbstractIn our paper we proposed an evolution analysis of the educational resources system, namely of recoverable resources in educational activities since the first period of the history of human society up to modernism and metamodernism. With the historical perspective as analytical criterion, the study suggests, as personal contribution, a taxonomy of the means of education - based on the historical criterion. In this study, we propose a general analysis of the early period entitled prehistorical period in which we will focus on the first means of education in relation with the incipient educational activities carried out by the human communities. (Orig.).
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