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Autor/inn/enRichardson, C. T.; O´Shea, B. W.
TitelAssessing gender differences in response system questions for an introductory physics course.
QuelleIn: American journal of physics, 81 (2013) 3, S. 231-236
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN0002-9505; 1943-2909
SchlagwörterGender; Testverfahren; Peer Instruction; Physik; Physikunterricht
AbstractIn this work, we investigate whether gender differences are present in the iClicker student response system during introductory physics lectures in an engaged environment. We find that men and women are equally likely to respond to questions correctly and in the same amount of time. We also find that both genders make use of multiple responses in the same timescale, however, the average number of responses for a given question is significantly higher for men than women. Upon analyzing these responses, we also find men are slightly more likely than women to change their response, while the response base station is open. Both genders benefit from peer instruction by answering more quickly and correctly. The connection between previously documented timescale differences, differences in ungraded responses, and their implications for the classroom environment are discussed. 2013 American Association of Physics Teachers.
Erfasst vonArbeitsgruppe Didaktik der Physik, Universität Osnabrück
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