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Autor/inSünker, Heinz
TitelHenri Lefebvre's legacy of the micro- and macro-problems in social analysis.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Henri Lefebvres Erbe der Mikro- und Makroprobleme der Gesellschaftsanalyse.
QuelleAus: Nikolau-Smokobite, Litsa (Hrsg.); Sünker, Heinz (Hrsg.); Rozanova, Julia (Hrsg.); Pekka-Economou, Victoria (Hrsg.): Citizenship and social development. Citizen participation and community involvement in social welfare and social policy. Frankfurt, Main: PL Acad. Research (2013) S. 99-113Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheLabour, education & society. 31
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Sammelwerksbeitrag
ISBN978-3-631-64022-7; 978-3-653-02311-4
SchlagwörterBildung; Gesellschaft; Demokratisierung; Partizipation; Politische Sozialisation; Globalisierung; Analyse; Konferenzschrift; Makroebene; Mikroebene; Lefebvre, Henri
Abstract"Given the catastrophic history of the 'short 20th century' (E. Hobsbawm), the decisive question facing the 21st century - particularly, but not only for Europe - is that of future social as well as political paths of development. At the center of my engagement with this question lie reflections on participatory forms of democratization in as many as possible societies around the globe. This makes globalization more than just an economic theme. Such reflections have to examine possible ways in which social relations might be constituted within political socialization, participation and education (in the German semantics as 'Bildung'). These concepts enable us to engage with the problems of democracy and processes of democratization both theoretically as well as practically in the interest of human emancipation." (publisher's description).
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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