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Autor/inPourciau, B.
TitelIs Newton's second law really Newton's?
QuelleIn: American journal of physics, 79 (2011) 10, S. 1015-1022
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN0002-9505; 1943-2909
SchlagwörterGeschichte (Histor); Mechanik; Newtonsches Axiom; Newtonsches Gesetz; Physik; Physikunterricht; Newton, Isaac
AbstractWhen we call the equation f=ma "Newton's second law," how much historical truth lies behind us? Many textbooks on introductory physics and classical mechanics claim that the Principia's second law becomes f=ma, once Newton's vocabulary has been translated into more familiar terms. But there is nothing in the Principia's second law about acceleration and nothing about a rate of change. If the Principia's second law does not assert f=ma, what does it assert, and is there some other axiom or some proposition in the Principia that does assert f=ma? Is there any historical truth behind us when we call f=ma "Newton's second law"? This article answers these questions. VC 2011 American Association of Physics Teachers.
Erfasst vonArbeitsgruppe Didaktik der Physik, Universität Osnabrück
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