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Autor/inKoushkie Jahromi, Maryam
TitelPhysical activities and sport for women in Iran.
QuelleAus: Benn, Tansin (Hrsg.); Pfister, Gertrud (Hrsg.); Jawad, Haifaa (Hrsg.): Muslim women and sport. London: Routledge (2011) S. 109-124Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheInternational studies in physical education and youth sport
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Sammelwerksbeitrag
SchlagwörterSoziale Norm; Frau; Getrenntgeschlechtliche Erziehung; Geschlechterforschung; Sozialer Status; Islam; Bewegungsaktivität; Frauensport; Leistungssport; Sportaktivität; Sportgeschichte; Sportkleidung; Sportorganisation; Sportsoziologie; Sportunterricht; Infrastruktur; Literaturübersicht; Iran
AbstractIn this chapter, the author offers a brief history of Iran, its political, religious and cultural dimensions, and the position of women in contemporary Iranian society. A detailed history of the development of sport, physical education and physical activity for girls and women is followed by insights into the organisational sporting structures of the country. The return of sporting arenas to stricter Islamic regulations after the Revolution is discussed and, although contested by some, sex-segregation in sports competitions has led to a growth in opportunities for women to gain qualifications, responsibilities and employment at all levels of sports participation, organisation and management. An overview of research available on physical-activity levels in Iran is discussed, and illustrates opportunities and barriers to participation. Finally, the author's narrative tells of her life growing up in Iran and pursuing her career interests in physical education through school, university and into her current career as Head of the Department of Physical Education at Shiraz University. Einleitung.
Erfasst vonBundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Bonn
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