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Autor/inHermanowicz, Joseph C.
TitelLives in science.
How institutions affect academic careers.
QuelleChicago: University of Chicago Press (2009), XIII, 323 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenTabellen 33; Anmerkungen S. 295-301; Literaturangaben S. 303-317; Index S. 319-323
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN0-226-00564-X; 978-0-226-00564-5
SchlagwörterBerufsbiografie; Karriere; Naturwissenschaftler; Physiker; Wissenschaftler; Wissenschaftlerin; Physikerin
AbstractWhat can we learn when we follow people over the years and across the course of their professional lives? Joseph C. Hermanowicz asks this question specifically about scientists and answers it here by tracking fifty-five physicists through different stages of their careers at a variety of universities across the country. He explores these scientists' shifting perceptions of their jobs to uncover the meanings they invest in their work, when and where they find satisfaction, how they succeed and fail, and how the rhythms of their work change as they age. His candid interviews with his subjects, meanwhile, shed light on the ways career goals are and are not met, on the frustrations of the academic profession, and on how one deals with the boredom and stagnation that can set in once one is established. An in-depth study of American higher education professionals eloquently told through their own words, Hermanowicz's keen analysis of how institutions shape careers will appeal to anyone interested in life in academia. - INHALT: List of Tables (ix). - Acknowledgments (xi) INTRODUCTION (I). - Guiding Theoretic Perspectives (4). - Physics and Physicists (16). - Organization of the Book (19) CHAPTER 1: Following the Scientists (21). - Foundations of the Follow-up Study (21). - Research Design and Sample (33). - TheTen-Year Career Interval (39). - The Fieldwork (45). - Analysis of Data (51). - Academic Worlds Then and Now (57) CHAPTER 2: Early- to Mid-Career Passages (76). - Professional Profile (76). - Early Career Patterns (82). - Elites (86). - Pluralists (104). - Communitarians (116). - Summary (129) CHAPTER 3: Mid- to Late-Career Passages (138). - Professional Profile (138). - Mid-Career Patterns (143). - Elites (146). - Pluralists (155). - Communitarians (164). - Summary (171) CHAPTER 4: Late- to Post-Career Passages (178). - Professional Profile (178). - Late-Career Patterns (183). - Elites (187). - Pluralists (198). - Communitarians (205). - Summary (211) CHAPTER 5: Lives of Learning (217). - Expectations and the Rhythm of Careers (218). - Anomie and Adaptation (221). - Reference Groups and Social Control (227). - Selection of Reference Groups (234). - Rejection of Reference Groups (237). - Social Control of the Life Course (240). - Careers in Other Academic Fields (252). - Future Cohorts of Scientists and Contexts of Science (260) APPENDIX A Interview Protocol - Foundational Study, 1998 (269). - APPENDIX B Contact Letter to Scientists (272). - APPENDIX C Thank-You Letter to Scientists (274). - APPENDIX D Interview Protocol - Longitudinal Study, 2004 (275). - APPENDIX E Post-Interview Questionnnaire (279). - APPENDIX F Departmental Questionnaire (281). - APPENDIX G Propositions Generated by the Study (288). - Notes (295). - References (303). - Index (319).
Erfasst vonZentrum für HochschulBildung - Technische Universität Dortmund
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