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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inCross, R.
TitelA double pendulum swing experiment: In search of a better bat.
QuelleIn: American journal of physics, 73 (2005) 4, S. 330-339
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN0002-9505; 1943-2909
SchlagwörterAlltagsphysik; Chaospendel; Gekoppelte Schwingung; Mechanik; Pendel; Physik; Chaos
AbstractExperimental results on the large-amplitude motion of a double pendulum are presented, with emphasis on the first half cycle. The initial part of the swing is reproducible and is of interest in modeling various human movement activities such as running, throwing, kicking, and the swing of a bat or racquet. Beyond this time, the motion is chaotic. The forces and torques acting on each pendulum segment are analyzed to explain its motion. The results show how a ''perfect'' bat could be designed where all the kinetic energy from the player's arms is transferred to the ball and none is retained in the arms or the bat after the impact. © 2005 American Association of Physics Teachers.
Erfasst vonArbeitsgruppe Didaktik der Physik, Universität Osnabrück
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